22.Thinker? No,overthinker.

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Seokjin's pov

"Can you please give us a chance?" asked Taehyung. Does Taehyung not know that it's not us who can decide it, it's our fate. I have lived my whole life as a human, suddenly I am being labelled with a hybrid now. As if it's not enough, Taehyung expected me to take such a big decision of our life so hastily. So I replied,"No Taehyung".

Before I could explain further, Taehyung got up from his bed and clutched onto my shoulders. A bit too harshly."Nothing, nothing I do satisfies you. I looked out for you, took care of your mom, found out about your pasts, even with my heart yearning to meet you I still didn't meet you, that too knowing where you are, to respect your privacy. But no, it's still not enough. What do you want Jin? What more can I do for you?" Taehyung asked while shaking me.

I replied,"T.. Taehyung, listen to me". But he cut me off and said, "No Jin, you listen to me. Have you ever done anything for me? Have you ever done a tiniest thing to make us happen? Do you even want me? Or are you just whoring around trying to get my dick?". I slapped Taehyung as soon as he said that.

"How dare you say that? Did you even let me explain? Do you not know that a pure bred alpha can only mate a pure blooded werewolf ? Okay let's assume for a moment that we were chosen by the moon goddess, but have you ever thought about the aftermath when it turns out that we are not? What if the attraction we have between us is just an attraction? Are you 100% sure that we are meant to be?" I asked Taehyung.

Taehyung replied,"That's the difference between you and me Jin. Even if we are not meant to be, I am willing to leave it all for you. I love you Jin, I am an alpha, I can sense who my mate is. Both my wolf and me accepted you as our mate. Anyways Jin, I have tried my best to make you see but you clearly don't wanna come out of your insecure zone. I am tired Jin,tired of it all".

With that he took his jacket and left my room. I fell on the ground as realizations hit me. Love came my way but I couldn't hold it. I am still so scared to hold this delicate feeling, I don't wanna ruin it, I don't want Taehyung to leave me either. I am way past that zone where I could live with him, because , I love you too Taehyung. But I chose to part ways to not taint the pack alpha's reputation and his authority.

"Jin, son, why are you crying?" Grandpa rushed inside through the door. He sat beside me and patted my head. I instantly clutched onto him."G..Grandpa", I hiccupped, "T.. Taehyung left me. Why does everyone I love leave me? I just wanted to protect Taehyung as he is going to be the pack alpha. But he thought I am whor...I am playing around with him", I cried harder as I recalled what Taehyung just said to me.

"Dear, Taehyung didn't leave you" Grandpa replied. I looked up to face him,"But Grandpa". Grandpa replied,"Jin, calm down, you guys are mates. It isn't possible for mates to break their bond so easily". I asked being stunned,"Grandpa how d..do you.."Grandpa replied, "Son, Taehyung told me about it and I am an beta wolf myself, I know the bonds between mates. The connection you two have is just not any connection". I replied,"I know grandpa that you are a beta and I recently got to know about my dad being a beta too, but grandpa what if me and Taehyung are not mates? How can I be 100% sure that the feelings I have for him is not wrong?". Grandpa replied, "By going with him to his hometown. When you two will bask under the moon on a full moon's night.." I interrupted Grandpa saying, "Is that even true? Taehyung told me about it but that's impossible I can never shift to a werewolf".

Grandpa chuckled and told me,"My dear, let me tell you a story about your dad's father, your beloved grandfather. When he fell in love with your grandmother, he knew he was fucked..He told me about how she is his mate. I refused to agree because back in those time human and werewolf mating was a sin. Your grandfather knew that the pack won't accept a human as their Luna. But he still wanted to make sure your grandma was his mate. One full moon night, your grandfather asked me to come with him to the Lunar Lake where he was going to bask with your grandmother, and he requested me to look out for them so that I could notify them if anyone was coming. Even though I knew how risky the plan was, I still decided to help your father as he was my childhood friend and went with him. When they stood under the moon, in the river, my eyes couldn't believe what it saw. White celestial light covered them, your grandfather slowly turned into his wolf form, but your grandmother didn't instead she got a mark on her neck and both your grandfather and your grandmother had purple eyes. It was then I believed that werewolf mating is not restricted to only werewolves. We might refuse to see the truth but it doesn't change the truth".

"Grandpa..I..", guilt ran through my body. Grandpa replies,"It's not too late, he asked you to accompany him to his hometown tomorrow, if you want. He also said that he took Yuri to the fair, so you can rest". More tears gush out from my eyes,"Grandpa..I love him so much, why is he so good to me when I am always hurting him?". Grandpa chuckled and replied,"It's how love works my bub. I presume you have some packing to do. I will leave you to it". Grandpa stood up and proceeded to leave. "Grandpa" I called out from behind,"Thank you, I..I really needed this". He nodded and left the room.

Next morning~~~

"Jin wake up it's already 8pm, Taehyung said he is gonna leave by 9", a voice tried to shake me out of my slumber. I opened my eyes and saw that it was grandpa and I instantly jolted up realizing,"Oh shit I am late!".

When I leave the house with my bags it was already 8:30. Grandpa said,"Taehyung said he is gonna wait at the village's main road, as his car is parked there, take your scooty and hurry up". I hugged Grandpa goodbye and departed to find Taehyung.

As I passed the school, suddenly something came to my mind. I know I shouldn't be doing this but here I am jolting my way towards the classroom."Yuri!", I shouted out, panting."Songsaenim", a familiar voice made me look up. Yuri came running towards me and fell into my embrace."Yuri I am so sorry that I couldn't take you out yesterday". Yuri replied,"It's okay Songsaenim, me and TaTa Ahjussi had a lot of fun, we only missed you 10%. He bought me a lot of toys too". I caressed her cheeks and replied, "Songsaenim has to go, he might be late, but I promise Yuri,I will be back to take my beloved princess with me". Yuri had tears in her eyes but still refused to cry, "Songsaenim, it's fine. I will only miss you 60%. But come soon, okay?". I nodded as my eyes were now filled with tears. We hugged each other goodbye.I kissed her forehead and bid her farewell.

It was already 9:05 when I started from School. By the time I reached the main road, Taehyung's car wasn't there.

"Shit !", I groaned out.

But suddenly something came to my mind, I took a detour through the rice field and drove towards the highway leading to the city.

Taehyung's pov

I couldn't believe that Jin didn't show up. After everything I told Grandpa, I thought he would make Jin understand, but no his ego and his adamance is above everything and everyone. I shouldn't have waited extra ten minutes for him. I am so done with him. Enough with him trying to make me dance to his tunes.

As I enter the highway, something catches my eye. A scooter and a person was standing on the road. Does he have a death wish? Who stands on the main road like that? I pressed my horn for him to move away, but he didn't budge.As my car got closer to that person, he seemed more familiar. I halted my car as I realize who it was. I murmured, "J..Jin".

He took his bag and walked towards my car. Opening the door, he threw his bag on the backseat and sat on the passenger seat."Weren't you forgetting something Taehyung? I guess I outdid you in terms of giving surprises, didn't I?".

I exhaled the breath that I have been holding on all this time.

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