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In his office Criss Angel was working when he turned his head and saw a dog playing with his dogs and his son.  Criss came out to see the dog giving his son some licks which was making his son laugh.  "All right that's enough now who do you belong to?" as he looked at her collar.  In her house Rachel was talking to her brother when a knock came to the door.  She got up and Criss was standing there with Gracie. 

"I think you have an escape artist"Criss replied as she laughed.  "I'm sorry Criss come on in"she stated.  He came in as Zak got up.  "Oh Gracie what am I going to do with you.  I hope she didn't cause any trouble".  "Exactly she was having fun with my dogs and my son" he replied.  "Zak this is my neighbor Criss Angel his son Johnny and Patrick go to the same school together" as they shook hands.  "This must be your brother Zak the paranormalist my brother JD loves your show" as Criss sat down.  "My niece loves your magic no wonder she wants to come visit me"Zak said to his sister as they laughed.  

"I heard about your father believe me I know the feeling of losing a parent"Criss stated.  "The flowers you sent were beautiful and thank your mom for the soup my mother loved it"Rachel said.  "We were just talking about a story our dad told us when he went to New York one year for work" Zak said.  "I lived in New York before I came here"Criss remarked as he sat down.  "Well our father was driving through a town trying to find an address".

"And this is before those computer dashboard thing were invented and our father would get lost in a walk in closet"Rachel stated as Criss chuckled.  "Well as luck would have it it started to rain I mean downpour so my dad stops at this coffee shop and asks them for a cup of coffee"Zak stated.  "The lady comes overs with the coffee and saw how drenched my father was so she tells him to stay inside untill the rain stops because he shouldn't be driving this"Rachel added.  "Sounds like my mom"Criss said with a chuckle. 

"Then her husband comes out and they just start talking like they grew up together they even showed pictures of their kids.  Before they knew it the rain had stopped so my dad thanked them and was about to give them money but they wouldn't take it".  "Why"Criss remarked.  "They told my father that they were retiring and they had sold the place.  They told our father that they were sad that they were closing the store but just talking to my father made them happy about retirement" Rachel replied. 

"Wow did he ever tell you who this couple was?" Criss inquired.  "I think dad said Saran-something it was Greek last name"Zak stated.  "Wasn't it Sarantokas?"Criss asked.  "Yes".  Criss smiled.  "Your father was talking about my parents".  Zak and Rachel's jaw drop.  "Wow that's amazing!".  "I remember my mom telling us that story when they came home that night.  It really was nice that just happened but you know what was weird we watched the news report and rain wasn't in a forecast that day" Criss said. 

"That's strange"Zak stated.  "Well I should get home before my son drives my mother crazy" Criss remarked.  "Hey Criss if you ever want to stop by my haunted museum  I'll give you a private tour"Zak suggested.  "I'll keep you to that.  Are we on for that play date with Patrick and Johnny?".  "I'll bring the juice boxes" and Criss left.  

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