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Zak and the crew are investigating an old court house.  Zak is looking at some of the information untill a picture appeared Aaron comes over and sees Zak with tears coming down his face.  "Why the tears?".  Zak got up and walked a few feet as Aaron read it.  "Oh my god the girl was killed by her drug addicted father in a court room". 

"What's weird as I'm reading this I could see myself as one of the officers who saw this child die and there was nothing I could do"Zak replied. "Why don't you go get some air before we go".  Zak went outside and sat there thinking when he looked up and saw a teenage girl with a cut across her neck.  Zak just starred untill a car went by and she was gone.

What the 😨Zak thought as Nick came out with Aaron.  "You all right Zak?".  "Yeah let's go" and they left.  As the guys were doing interviews Zak heard a voice calling him. Zak turned his head and saw the same girl that was at the hotel.  "You all right Zak?".  "You see Ariel don't you Zak?"the owner asked.  "Yes why am I?".  "She doesn't show herself to many people only people she think can help her" the owner remarked.  "I feel a cold spot right next to me"Zak said as Nick and Aaron felt it too. 

"Give me the spirit box now"Zak ordered and Aaron did.  "Ariel are you next to me?".  Yes.  "Oh my god"the owner remarked.  stuck.  "Why are you stuck Ariel is the man who killed you here too?".  All of a sudden Zak fell to the ground like he was shoved.  As Zak got up he looked and saw a man holding Ariel.  HELP ME as the spirit box turned off.  "What did you see Zak?".  "Her father is holding her here"Zak replied.  That night Zak went in first and went to where he felt the cold spot. 

"Ariel give me a sign that you hear me".  Zak heard footsteps.  "Ariel is that you?".  Zak felt something touching his hand.  Zak took out the polter pod.  "Ariel why don't you leave?".  He won't let me  the feeling left Zak's hand.  Zak looked up and saw Ariel.  Zak followed her and he found himself in the court room that Ariel died in.

Zak where are you? Nick asked through the walkie.  Nick and Aaron got nervous that Zak wasn't answering.  In the court room Zak sat down but next to him was Ariel.  She put her hand on Zak's.  Zak closed his eyes and when he opened them Zak was in a court room as Ariel was testifying against her father.  As she left her father got up and put the knife against her throat.  Zak got up and aimed the gun he had.  Then her father slashed her throat as Zak shot him.  Zak took off his coat and put it against her throat.  He than picked her up and ran out of the court room. 

Ariel took her hand off of Zak as she stood in the middle of the court room.  Zak got up and walked over to her.  "I wanted to thank you for coming here.  I don't feel my father's evil spirit anymore" she replied.  "I don't understand why did you come to me and not my friends?".  "I felt a connection that I haven't felt since that day when that officer tried to save me"she replied smiling at Zak.  Then the whole place started to light up and Zak saw a woman standing behind Ariel.  "That's my mom she's taking me home thanks again Zak and keep your friends close". 

She gave Zak a kiss and disappeared as the room became dark again.  Zak touched his face as Nick and Aaron walked in.  "Zak you all right?".  "Yeah why?" he asked.  "We've been calling out your name looking for you" as Aaron walked over to the benches.  "It was so weird I don't know how to explain what I went through"Zak remarked.  "Hey guys look at this".  They all walked over and saw an old police ID with the name Alexander Conway. 

Zak stepped back feeling like he's ready to have a heart attack.  "Zak what is it?"Nick inquired.  "I understand why I kept seeing myself in my vision the man who tried to save her was my grandfather.  My middle name is his first name" Zak replied.  After the lockdown Zak called his mother.  "Zak why are you calling?". 

"I have to ask you something about grandpa.  That story about how he tried to save a young woman who's father slashed her neck in the court room true or was grandpa making it up".  "No Zak your grandfather was the one who killed the man in the court room and tried to save that girl.  After that he retired but always visited her grave".  "Maybe that's why your middle name is Ariel"Zak remarked.  "Zak how did you-".  "I'll tell you when I get home" and hung up.

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