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You're with Zak and his crew investigating a musty old hotel.  "This place is wonderful" Aaron stated.  "I know" Zak replied through his mask.  "Has anyone told you you sound like you took in some helium with that on" as everyone laughed.  "Can we get this going"Zak asked.  You go to nerve center as the guys go do their thing. After a while you notice Zak is coughing through his mask.  "Zak you all right?"you ask through the walkie. 

"My-my mask-" as he was coughing harder.  "Aaron, Zak needs help his mask is malfunctioning.  He's having an asthma attack" you call out on the walkie.  "Got it".  Aaron helps Zak outside as you take off the mask.  Zak sits down as he uses his inhaler.   "What happened?" Aaron asked.  "His mask malfunctioned" you replied.  "Put a new one on"Aaron said.   "I only brought that one I can't go back in there (coughing a little) with out it"Zak replied .

"Wait a minute Zak I know this may sound ridiculous why don't I go in and be your eyes on this investigation" you suggested. "Are you seriously thinking this Zak?" Aaron inquired. "It sounds like a good idea since I was the only one wearing a mask in this place"Zak replied.  "I think you need a CT scan Zak".  "All right let's do this".  When Billy and Jay come downstairs they see you with Aaron. "Where's Zak?". 

"His mask malfunctioned and Y/N offered to be Zak's eyes so to speak".  "Come on Aaron where'sm
your sense of adventure" Zak inquired through the walkie. "All right Zak but if this goes bad you're taking the hit" he replied.  "Deal OK guys go back to where I sent you y/n I was headed into Room 2121 to do some EVP" Zak remarked.  "All right Zak" and you followed Zak's directions.  "This is kind of fun being your eyes Zak"you stated. 

Zak chuckled as you get to the room.  As you stand in the door way you feel a hand on your shoulder.  "Zak I feel something on my shoulder".  "They did say that the entity there does that as you go into the room" he said.  You go in and take a breath as you sit on the bed.  "I'm going to put the camera on the bookcase so you can see me". After that you sit at the foot of the bed.  HERE WE GO  you think as you take the recorder out of your pocket.  "All right Zak I've got the walkie's volume on hi so say what you want to say and I'll hold the recorder".

"Just say stop if something happens or you feel or see something" Zak replied.  "Go Zak".  You listen to some of the question that Zak asks when you notice something.  "Zak stop for a second I see something" you remarked getting the camera.  "What do you see y/n".  "A dark shadow but it's gone now it reminded me of a shadow that the sun gives off but it stood there for a few seconds than disappeared and I know it wasn't my shadow since they are no lights in this room" you replied. 

After the investigation while the guys are going over some of the evidence you're on your computer typing up a few things when a knock comes to the door.  You get up and it's Zak.  "Come on in Zak" you remarked.  He sits on your bed as you close the door.  "I have to say y/n you did a good job last night for us even thou Aaron was against it" he replied. 

"I love helping Zak that's why I took this job when Jay and Billy got promoted" you stated. "I wanted to tell you you were right you did see a shadow person in the room.  We checked over the video from your camera and the camera that was in the room" Zak remarked.  "That's cool Zak". "Also I want to mentor you because you have the ability but I want to help you harness it so I'll let you come on a few more investigations with us".  "Thanks Zak" as you give him a hug.

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