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It's nearing the anniversary of when the haunted museum opened to the public and Macy wants a cake made that looks like the outside of the museum.  She goes to the nearest cake shop which her uncle owns.  "My sweet Macy what are you doing here?"he asked giving her a hug.  "I was wondering if you could help me the place I work at its anniversary is coming up and I was wondering if you could make a cake that looks like the place from the outside". 

"Sounds good what's the place?"he asked.  "The haunted museum half your staff keep asking me for tickets to the place"Macy stated as her uncle giggles.  "All right Macy"he replied.  She gives her uncle pictures of the place from the outside and leave.  As the day goes on Macy is working on some stuff as Zak comes over.  "So what's on the books for today?"she asked.  "Nothing much right now but my mother should be coming in with some stuff"he said.  As they talk Macy's uncle comes in with a few of his staff.

"Uncle David what are you doing here?" giving him a hug.  "Well my staff can't stop talking about this place so I thought I'd come down"he replied.  "Zak this is my uncle David.  He is a baker in New Jersery but he has a shop here in Las Vegas at The Luxor".  "Nice to meet you"Zak said shaking his hand. 

"So you're the paranormalist who put this together" her uncle remarked.  "With a little help from your niece but mostly I've collected these things".  "My niece told me you had the haunted doll Annabelle in this place?".  "Yeah her spirit is still in this place somewhere"Zak said.  "Let's hope it's not with Peggy or we're doomed" as Zak chuckled.  "Come on I'll show you around".  "Just keep my uncle away from Peggy I don't want to explain to Aunt Grace that you had a heart attack caused by a doll" Macy remarked.

After the tour your uncle walks over.  "What do you think?"she inquired.  "This place is nuts I felt something touch my shoulder, I heard mumbling, and someone calling out mommy"he replied.  "There's a doll here that has a little girl attached to it.  She lost her mother during the TB outbreak than she passed away by the same aliment since Zak was giving the doll some people hear a little girl calling for her mother"Macy replied.  "Wow can you show me the doll". 

"Come on".  Macy shows her uncle the doll.  "Oksana wow what a beautiful doll".  "Yeah sometimes when I look at this doll I can feel the sadness this little girl went through seeing her mother die and than dying herself" Macy remarked wiping a tear away.  A few weeks go by and Macy finds out the cake is ready.  In the ball room everyone is waiting for Zak and the guys to come in since Zak's mother told him she had a surprise.  When the guys came in Aaron let Zak go first. 

He comes in to everyone yelling surprise.  "Oh my god this is a surprise" catching his breath.  "We wanted to celebrate the opening the haunted museum with a cake".  Macy's uncle brings out the cake and Zak's speechless.  "What do you think Zak?".  "This is awesome the Dubik Box, Annabelle, Oksana this is amazing thanks"Zak stated.  "Thank my niece it was her idea"my uncle replied.  Zak walked over to Macy and gave her a hug.  "Thank you"he said. "You're welcome Zak now let's eat some cake"Macy remarked as everyone cheered.

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