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It's nearing Christmas but Zak isn't in the Christmas mood not even the inside of the house is decorating which Zak likes to.  Zak's mother suggest that Zak has the holiday blues considering twenty twenty hasn't been a great year, so Rachel decide to secretly dress up Zak's house inside with a little help from his crew and her kids. 

Rachel tells her mother what she has planned and decides to keep Zak distracted.  At a store Rachel and the crew buy a fake Christmas tree, some ornaments, lights, ETC.  When they get to Zak's house, she uses her key and lets everyone in to start.  Everyone starts even the kids with help from Billy put paper garland around the upstairs banisters:

  Everyone starts even the kids with help from Billy put paper garland around the upstairs banisters:

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"Rachel look even Chucky's getting into the holiday spirit" Jay said.  She walks over and see that Jay put a Santa hat on it which makes everyone giggle.  "That's cute Jay".  "All right it's all decorated now just put the lights on".  Aaron turned it on, and everyone is in aww of it.  Then they hear a door close she looks and see Zak waking up the driveway.  "Everyone out come on" and everyone runs out as Zak opens the door to see the inside of his house all Christmas up. 

He smiles as he looks around, he even chuckled when he saw Chucky with the Santa hat on.  Then he notices on his table a premade gingerbread house that looks like his haunted museum.  He even took a picture of the gingerbread house and posted it.  After that his phone rang.  "Hello".  "What do you think of what Santa's elves did" Rachel inquired. 

"I love it even the paper garland which I know my nephews did.  This has lifted my spirit"Zak stated.  "I'm glad Zak I'll tell the elves they did a great job".  "And Rachel thanks I really needed the pick me up"Zak replied.  "I will and don't forget you're sleeping over at my house this Christmas Eve your nephews want you to".  "Allright".  "Zak there's a special Christmas gift I want you to open under the tree and I'll see you Christmas Eve" and hung up.  Zak goes over to the tree to see a silver wrapped gift he opens it, and tears fall down his face as it was a picture of him with his father the last picture Rachel took of them before their father passed away.  Zak went over to his mantal and put the picture there.  "Merry Christmas dad" Zak said.  Merry Christmas to you Zakary Zak heard which made him smile.

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