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The guys are investigating a haunted forest and they ask you to come for back-up since there's so much to investigate which you agree.  As the investigation goes on you hear rustling but can't figure out where it's coming from.  "Don't be afraid Y/N we'll protect you"Billy stated as Zak and the others were setting up motion alarms.  The night wore on and you still could hear the rustling so you stayed close to Billy.  "All right Billy and Y/N just go down that path for a minute" Zak asked so you do. 

As you and Billy go down the guys hear one of the alarms go off.  "Y/N Billy come back!" Zak called out but you guys are some way back you can't see or hear him.  "Did you hear Zak?" you ask.  "ZAK!" Billy called out.  The rustling sounds get louder which is making you more nervous than you hear one of the alarms go off.  "Let's go Billy" you suggested.  Before you can someone comes out of the darkness with a knife.  Billy pushes you out of the way before Billy can defend himself he feels the knife hit him.

"ZAK AARON JAY HELP PLEASE!!"you yell as loud as you can which the guys hears.  The person in black is walking closer to you aiming his knife at you as you crawl back scared for your life.  "HELP ANYONE HELP!!" you yell as tears fall from your face.  As you try to cover yourself in hopes he misses a tree limb hits the person in black to the ground.  You see Zak throw the tree limb to the ground as he helps you up.  As you hug Zak Aaron and Jay are looking at Billy who's bleeding badly.  "We need to get him help he's bleeding bad" Jay replied. 

"How there's not cell service," Zak asked.  You go into your bag and take out a phone.  "How in the hell did you get a satellite phone?".  "My mother gave it to me when I got this job so thank my mom for this"I replied as you dial 911.  The next day Zak knocked on your door you answer it.  "Hey Zak".  "I was just wondering how you are after what happened last night" as you let him in. 

"Honestly freak out but I'm happy Billy will be all right" you replied.  "I talk to the police it seems the person who stabbed Billy was apart of an occult that roams those forest they said if we didn't set up those alarms all of us would either be like Billy or haunting our families"Zak remarked.  "Cute Zak"you replied.  "Y/N if you want to leave Ghost Adventures we wouldn't hold it agasinst you" Zak said.  "Even thou I was scared last night I did save Billy and you guys by using that SAT phone I had I think I'll stick with you guys".  "Good and remind me to send a thank you letter to your mother"Zak replied as you chuckled.

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