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For the past couple of days you notice Zak has lost a lot of weight to the point where his clothes looked like they were too big on him.  While Jay, Aaron, and Billy are having dinner you go upstairs to talk to Zak about his rapid weight loss.  You knock on the door but Zak doesn't answer.  You look through the peephole and see Zak on the floor fidgeting. 

You use the key Zak gave you and run to see Zak's having a seizure.  You turn Zak on his side as you call 911 after the guys come back from dinner they see Zak being loaded up into an ambulance as you're talking to an officer.  After they finish the guys come over.  "What happened?"Billy asked.  "Yeah why was Zak loaded into an ambulance for?".  "I went upstairs to talk to Zak about his sudden weight loss when I knocked on his door he didn't answer so I looked in the peep hole and saw Zak having a seizure".

"I wonder why?".  "I don't know I decided to wait for you guys to tell you what just happened" you replied.  "Well let's grab a cab and go"Jay suggested and you all leave the hotel.  At the hospital Zak woke up to see everyone in his room.  "What's going on?"he asked confused as they all got up.  "You had a seizure Zak"you replied.  "Why?".  "You have a massive infection".  "What caused the infection?"he asked itching his shoulder.  You look at his shoulder and notice a cystic lump on his shoulder and some on his back.  "Zak have you been itchy?". 

"Yeah my back mostly" he replied.  "Aaron can you get the doctor?".  "Sure" and he left the room.  "What do you think it is Y/N?"Jay asked.  "I think Zak may have a tape worm in his system"you replied.  The doctor came back in and you show him the masses on Zak's shoulder and back.  "I think you maybe right but we need a stool sample to see if your hunch is correct"the doctor replied.  "I think we'll leave now" Aaron suggested.  A week went by and Zak was at his home when the door bell rang. 

Zak got up and answered the door.  He opened it to see Y/N standing there.  "Y/N my savior" as you came in.  "How you feeling since they got that worm out of you" you asked as you and Zak sit down.  "Better".  "Did they figure out where you got the worm?".  "I went to try sushi and they think I got it from inappropriate handling of the fish.  That was my first and last time I try sushi I'll take my fish cooked from now on"he replied as you smile. 

"Well I'm glad you're feeling better and you've put on some weight".  "The doctor gave me a diet to follow to put on the weight that the tapeworms took off me.  I have to ask how did you know that I had a tapeworm".  "My brother is studying to be a doctor and I looked through one of the book that dealt with tapeworms they even took a tape worm out of a guy in India that was six point six feet long".  "That's nasty" Zak replied.  "Well I'll see you later Zak and I'm glad you're getting better".  She gave Zak a kiss and left.  

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