Chapter 32

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The dirt road was a familiar sight as we drove into the Autobot base.

I hung onto Jack as Arcee drove down the road. Surprisingly, June didn't need any convincing to let me return, actually encouraging me to go back to the base. She had to go to work today, so she said she would feel better if I wasn't hanging around the house alone. She must have realized alone time wasn't a friend of mine right now.

The hidden door opened, and a sense of nostalgia rushed over me as we drove in the dimly lit tunnel. It was comforting to be back. Arriving in the base and seeing all the Autobots do their normal routine reminded me of all the times Smokescreen and I had driven in, the normal days.

The memories didn't cause me to shy away, or fall back into my heavy grieving. It did sadden me that he wasn't here now, but I found that I also welcomed them. It was probably due to the realization that he wouldn't want me to be sad, but to be happy and cherish our times together and the memories we made.

"It's nice to see you again Lora," Grimlock said, walking over upon noticing Arcee's return. I pulled off my helmet and looked to the leader of the Dinobots. He looked better from the last time I had seen him, all of his wounds fully healed.

"You too. How are you doing?" I asked, still needing the reassurance he was okay.

"Ratchet has allowed me to return to the field, so I would say better, much better. Do you want to go for a walk so we can talk?"

"Sure." I moved away from Jack and Arcee, both who I noticed were smiling, happy for me.

"How are you holding up? It's been a few days." Grimlock asked as we walked the back halls of the base.

"I'm better than I was, but it still hurts," I said. "I realize that he wouldn't want me to sit and grieve, but keep on moving forward, so that's what I'm trying to do, for him."

"That's a good way to look at it."

"Yeah, how's Scorn with it?"

Grimlock sighed. "More or less like you. He's off to himself a lot more, but he's getting better. I have never seen him so depressed, so I am worried for him. Slash is kind of forcing him out of his self-seclusion, but she can only do so much."

"I was thinking about talking to him, let us grieve together."

"That would be good for him." Grimlock looked down to me, a grateful smile on his face.

"How are you and Slog?" I asked.

"In what way?"

"Well, he did just about kill you and I know that tore him up pretty good. I don't know how you feel about that, but I know Slug and Slash weren't overly happy with him."

"They've both warmed up to him, but Slug is still weary, not that he isn't with everyone. Slog himself is fitting in well with everyone, including the Autobots; him and Bulkhead had become close actually."

"Saw that coming. They have quite a bit in common," I muttered.

"I'm fine with him, I know it wasn't his fault, but Slog says otherwise. He stays as far away from me as possible and, if possible, doesn't talk to me. I'm not sure if he's afraid of hurting me again, or if he thinks I hate him, but he certainly is afraid of me, his eyes say it all: guilt, regret and fear."

"You sure it's not fear of himself?"

"It could be, I can't really tell, he looks away to fast."

"How are him a Swoop getting along? Does he do the same thing?" I asked, remembering that Slog was indirectly responsible for Swoop's near encounter with death.

"Pretty much the same," Grimlock said downheartedly. "He's more talkative with him, and has apologized, but Slog still avoids him a bit."

"He'll come around," I assured the Dinobot, hearing the disappointment in his voice. After searching for others for so long, it would be hard to have one of your own avoid you and distance them self from everyone else.

"I hope you're right."

"Speaking of Swoop," I said, switching the direction of the conversation. "How is he?"

"Still healing," Grimlock said, nodding his head down a hallway, motioning that we would turn that way. "He's going to have a permanent limp from now on, along with a few scars, but other than that, he's good. Ratchet hasn't allowed him to leave the base, and as you can imagine, Swoop is none to happy about that."

"Yeah, I'm surprised Ratchet actually managed to keep him in for this long," I chuckled.

Grimlock's brow scrunched.

"What?" I asked.

"I actually don't know where Swoop is. I haven't seen him all day." Both of us stopped at the same time.

"He left, didn't he?" I asked.

"Where else would he be?" Grimlock grumbled. Quickly, he grabbed me and started to run back to the main room.

Everyone looked over and stopped what they were doing as Grimlock ran in, a worried question on their faces.

Wheeljack, Slug, Bulkhead, and Slog all stopped their game of lob ball, Wheeljack freezing mid step. Miko, Raf, Bee, and Jack looked up from their game of Jenga—which timbered from Grimlock's steps—and everyone else stopped their conversations. Optimus, Ultra Magnus, and Agent Fowler even looked up. As I looked around, Swoop was indeed no where to be seen.

"Ratchet, trace Swoop's signal," Grimlock commanded, setting me down on the platform.

Ratchet didn't question as he did what Grimlock asked. "It says he in the base," Ratchet said, his voice a little bit confused. "Swoop, where are you?" Ratchet asked, turning on the com link for the base.

"On the roof," Swoop said. There was no wind or static over the link, but something about how he answered told me he wasn't telling the whole truth. "But we might have an issue."

"I told you not to strain too much," Ratchet scolded.

"Not that," Swoop snapped, startling everyone. Swoop was never angry, not like this. "There's four very large shapes flying our way, with over a hundred in tow."

Everything was dropped into a dense silence as everyone tensed, dreading Swoop's next words. The only sound was my amulet. It started to hum softly, growing louder by the second. Its warning was urgent, but it wasn't the reason my stomach dropped.

"The Decepticons, they've found us."

Transformers Prime: Vanishing Light (#3) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now