Chapter 10

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Smokescreen's P.O.V.
I parked the truck in the large docking bay, following the orders Optimus had repeated from the MECH agent. Without a word, Wheeljack and I got out of the cab and joined everyone else on the platform.

"I'm pretty sure they're expecting us to unload the Energon," Bulkhead said, as we walked up.

"Well, sucks to be them, because it ain't going anywhere but in our storage room," Wheeljack said in a mocking tone.

"No matter what MECH wants done, we have our own mission to complete," Ultra Magnus stated, killing the light hearted mood we have quickly developed.

"Bulkhead, Ultra Magnus, Bumblebee, split up and locate the Energon store room. Smokescreen, Wheeljack, we will finding out all that we can about where MECH is located. Remain undetected for as long as possible." With Optimus' orders, we all split up and moved our separate ways.

Surprisingly, the base we were currently in was set up very similarly to the base we had broken Lora out of. There were many differences too, but the general layout was the same, helping me navigate my way through the halls.

"You look like them, you look like them," I reminded myself as I passed a few patrolling agents. "You're wearing the same thing they are. They can't tell that you're not with them. How could they?" Letting out a small and quiet sigh, I let all my worries go and pushed forward, head high.

"Optimus, we've located the Energon." Ultra Magnus said suddenly, his voice loud in my ear.

"Good job. As covertly as possible, transport it to the truck," Optimus said.

"Yes sir."

"Wow, that was fast." Surprised filled me as the conversation ended. "We'll be in and out in no time."

"Clear the area, new cargo coming in!" A voice suddenly said.

Looking up with shock, I watched as many MECH agents left room in a orderly fashion, which I realized was a hanger.

"More Energon?" I wondered. I passed a look around. No one was looking at me, so I crouched and ran into the hanger. Slowly, I snuck past everyone and hid behind a stack of crates. A gap in between two of them gave me to perfect hole to look through. Crouched down, I watched as a plane came in.

I waited for a bit, watching as the cargo plane was slowly directed in. After shifting my position and not allowing my legs to cramp up, the main door opened to reveal something I never expected to see.

Two MECH agents walked out escorting a very familiar someone.

"Guys, we have a huge bump in the plan, MECH has Lora," I said. Even as I said the words, I almost didn't believe them.

The two agents held both of her arms, leading her roughly out of the cargo plane.

"What?! How?" Wheeljack demanded. "I thought Ratchet said she was with Arcee?"

"Well, it seems that they have her too," I muttered, disappointment in my voice.

With many guns trained on her, Arcee walked out of the cargo plane next, hands in the air.

"You have got to be kidding," Wheeljack groaned. "Why does every time we step into a MECH building with a mission does it always get more complicated?"

"Do they appear to be harmed?" Optimus asked.

"No, they look fine, but I don't think that's going to last long."

"Remain undetected and follow them," Optimus ordered. "We'll rendezvous on your position as soon as possible."

"On it," giving a sharp nod, even though no one could see it, I moved from my hiding spot and followed Lora and Arcee's kidnappers.

The halls were still empty, thankfully, allowing me to not look suspicious to anyone. I hung back, ducking around corners whenever anyone looked back or looked like they were going to. Since I was dressed in MECH attire, neither Lora nor Arcee would be able to recognize me, but I stayed away from their view too; I didn't want to risk it.

"Scrap," I muttered as the two groups split up.

"NO!" Lora yelled, struggling to stay with Arcee. The agents on either side of her struggled to hold her, but they managed.

"Don't worry, girl. She's only alive and unharmed to make sure you cooperate. If you want her to remain that way, then listen," An agent growled. Instantly, Lora stopped. With a quick, reassuring nod from Arcee, she moved and walked her own separate way.

"Hey, you there!" An agent yelled suddenly, making me jump.

Looking over to where the voice had come from, I found myself looking towards the people that had Arcee.

"What are you doing?" He yelled again. I just stood there, speechless, looking for a buyable story. Patrolling might work. "Are you taking the prisoner?" The agent continued.

"Um, yes," I said, quickly snapping out of my uncertainty. "Yes, I am."

"Good, we need a break. That flight killed my back." No words of concern came from the two agents as they walked past me, the second one handing me his gun.

"Couldn't agree with you more."

Looking back uncertainly, I watched as the two agents walked away, their footsteps and conversation gradually leaving. Soon, I was left in the hall alone, minus Arcee.

Shrugging, I turned back to Arcee, unsure what to say.

"Smokescreen?" She asked, shock filling her eyes and voice.

"Hey. Quite the day, huh?"

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