Chapter 22

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"What do you mean it was a memory?" I demanded, shooting up, much to Ratchet's shock.

"A vision is due to my connection to the Convent of Primus, and I can tell when one is being shown; I didn't get that this time. This was a memory, or rather a fragment of one that was blocked off by MECH at a young age. When Derek forced you to smell that chemical, it not only unlocked that memory, but frayed the boundaries of all the others they had locked away."

"How many memories did they hide from me?" I was almost afraid to ask, my mental voice quivering.

"All of your childhood up until you lived with Derek."

"No, no no no," I muttered, cradling my head and grabbing my hair.

"Lora, you need to talk to me," Ratchet said, leaning to see my face. "What's wrong?"

"Just touch him; I'll explain," Alpha Trion said, sensing my distress.

I did as the Prime said. As I touched Ratchet's shoulder, I could tell he was really confused, but his expression quickly changed. His eyes widened and I knew Alpha Trion was filling him in on everything.

"By the all spark," the medic muttered. Slash watched us, clear confused of what was happening.

"I need to know," I said. "I need to know what happened."

"I'm not sure if that's wise," Ratchet said. I jumped a little, unaware that he could hear me.

"I agree with Ratchet," Alpha Trion said. "We don't know what it'll do to you. The memories alone might hurt your mental health."

"I don't care. I need to know what happened. At least what my life was like before MECH."

"I refuse to do it Lora," Alpha Trion said, his voice stern. "No matter what you say."

"Please," I begged. "I need to know."

"I won't just go unlocking your memories. I may be able to do it, but I won't. I don't want you to have to relive the cruelty that MECH put you through. I won't do that."

"Alpha Trion, please. I need to know, at least what happened to my parents. I need to know what I saw, why I saw it. Please, you have to do this for me."

Both Ratchet and Alpha Trion were silent. Somehow, I knew they were both contemplating and discussing it with each other, looking at every aspect. Slash looked between Ratchet and I, asking for an explanation for what was happening since she was only getting one third of the conversation.

Alpha Trion let out a frustrated sigh, much of it filled with defeat. "Fine, but know I will be censoring everything. Anything that I deem too traumatic and will do more harm then good, I won't unlock, or for that fact, ever let you see it. I will not ever be putting you through that."


"I won't do it unless I censor it, no 'if's 'and's or 'but's." If I could see him, I knew Alpha Trion would be looking at me with the authoritative look that he always seemed to have whenever I thought of what he deemed 'a bad idea'.

"Okay," I said, giving in once I saw that there was no other way that he would agree to my demands.

"Since you're too stubborn to listen to reason," Ratchet said. "We're doing it my way."

Helping me up, Ratchet moved us to the couch. Slash had a very confused look on her face, but with a simple nod from Ratchet, she shrugged and phased away.

"Lora," Alpha Trion breathed. "I really don't want to show you this." I didn't know that he had already looked at it.

"Please," was all I had to say before I felt a familiar migraine start up. Just like that, I was thrown back into my memories.

It was dark out side, the street lights flying past the car in blurs of glowing yellow. I was seated in a car, two people sitting in the front. I didn't recognize either of them, but I felt comfort and happiness when I looked at them.

"Sweetie, you okay?" The woman in the passenger seat asked, her voice sweet and gentle. Her hazel eyes not unlike my own had concern laced in them; concern for me I realized.

"I'm okay Mom," I found myself saying. "Just tired."

"I know, it was a long night," My mother said, turning forward again with a warm smile on her face. "We'll be home soon though."

"If you're tired, try sleeping in the car," the man driving said, casting a quick glance up to the mirror. He must have been my father. His face looked similar to mine, only missing my hair's familiar colour. Instead, it was brown. "Don't try to stay awake."

"Okay," was all I said before locking my seatbelt and resting my head on it. I closed my already droopy eyes, and that was when I heard a word before that I had never heard come out of my father's mouth.

My eyes snapped open, all the sleep I had previously felt dropping away, replaced with uncontrollable fear. A red car swerved around us, missing my family by inches. The car tailgating the red one wasn't as lucky. It met us head on, crashing into us with a deafening sound. I didn't even have time to scream before we flipped.

In a flash, we were on the roof. Glass was everywhere, spreading out like a carpet below me. I felt something warm drip from my temple, running down my face. My hand burned, lodged in it was a chunk of glass, turning crimson with my blood.

"Mom, Dad?" I managed to say, my voice a horse whisper, sounding unlike my own. A liquid creeped into the car, mingling with the glass. In the dim streetlight that reflected off of the glistening road, I could see the glass glowing blue. I could do nothing but hang as the liquid trickled closer, all my energy spent on nothing. It burned as it touched my open wound, but it was nothing compared to the fear for my parents.

"Mom?! Dad?!"

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