Chapter 13

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I looked on with a dead look, watching with nothing but shock.

Footsteps sounded behind me, but I didn't register them, nor the voice that belonged to them. I felt a soft grip wrap itself around my waist and pull me away from the hole in the side of the plane. I didn't resist or help, just remained limp.

Slowly, I felt the plane start to descend, but I wasn't there, at least not all of me.


The door opened to reveal the ground. We were back on the runway, and I couldn't be more grateful to be out of the air.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Smokescreen asked me yet again.

"I will be," I assured him, my voice quiet.

A small growl came from behind me. Both Smokescreen and I turned to see Ravage padding out of the plane, pushing past us, tail twitching in annoyance. He kept walking, and I didn't make a move to stop the Decepticon. A few feet from us, Ravage turned. The red eyes filled with a grateful look, seeming to thank me. Bowing his head low, Ravage took off, clearing the tall chainmail fence with one powerful leap. He landed running, taking off into the bush. The only sound to be heard was the heavy footfalls and breaking brush.

"We're just going to let him go?" Smokescreen asked.

"He's been through enough. He needs his freedom," I said, watching where the giant cat had just been.

"That he does," Smokescreen agreed, nodding his head. "That he does."

"Out of the plane!" A voice commanded. Looking over, Smokescreen and I watched as the army came and escorted the man that had been flying the plane out, and towards the armed vehicle that awaited him. The two I had fought earlier were helped out, still dazed from my attacks.

"Good job you two," A familiar voice said. I turned my attention away from the MECH agent and towards Agent Fowler. "We've got every last agent from this facility in custody." turning to Smokescreen, he said, "Thanks for clearing the hallway."

"Yeah, you're welcome," Smokescreen said. Something in his eyes told me that there was something else to the story, but that could wait. "And sorry about letting the alarm be raised."

"We got them all, didn't we? Come on, the rest of the team is waiting," Agent Fowler said., waving us onwards. "Sounds like you got all the Energon without much fight."

Smokescreen let out a breath of relief. The tension left his shoulders as he relaxed.

"Before we go, can I ask you something?" I asked, my own voice sounding distant and strange.

Agent Fowler stopped, looking to me. "Sure."


It had been a week since the raid on MECH, and it couldn't have been more successful.

Our Energon supply was replenished yet again, filled with the loot of the mission. Bumblebee had found a map of all MECH bases and had recited and marked them with unmatched accuracy. Within two days of taking down the first base, all the facilitieswere gone and every agent taken into custody. Silas himself had been caught, and was none too pleased when he found out about what we had done, cursing the Autobots. I had smiled wickedly when word of his capture had reached the base.

MECH was no more.

But even with all of the good news, I couldn't help but feel saddened by Sophia's passing. As per my request, Agent Fowler had sent a few agents to look for her and confirm whether she had lived or not. They had found her body right where she had fallen from the plane. She had died with a smile on her face, but not one of cruelness, but one of relief, the relief of finally being released from MECH and the curse they had inhumanly given her. It gave me a bit of reassurance that she was had passed with no doubts. Regardless that she had been my enemy in the end, I still grieved for her.

The Autobots gave me space and understood what I felt. They all maneuvered around the topic of MECH altogether whenever I was around, even though I had told them not to. Jack, Miko, and Raf all were so happy to hear that MECH was gone, but the news of Sophia did impact them, although not as much as me. Either way, one of our enemies was down, and all of our attention and resources could be focused on the Decepticons.

"A lot has happened, hasn't it?" Smokescreen said.

He was laying on his back, looking at the stars. I was laying on his chest, arms behind my head in a cushion.

"Yeah," I breathed. "It's crazy to think that MECH is gone, but I couldn't be happier with it. I don't have to be constantly worrying about whether or not they'll come after me again."

"You know that if they had come after you again, that I would have done the same thing I did the first time, right?" Smokescreen asked, sitting up slightly to look at me. I bent my head back to look at him.

"Of course. No matter what, I know that you'll always come and find me. Nothing can stop you."

"You got that right," Smokescreen grinned, laying back down. "I got confirmation from Fowler today that they got Derek."

"Finally," I said. "He deserves nothing more then to be behind bars."

"I've never heard you speak so ill about someone."

"He did a lot to me," I spat. "And everyday, I hate him for it."

"Me too." Smokescreen let out a sigh. "I've always wondered this, but I didn't really want to bring it up, but I'm going to now, so here it goes: do you remember your parents? Your real ones?"

"No," I breathed, my voice quiet. "MECH did something to my memories about them, and my life before. I only remembered the taken memories when they gave me something nasty to smell, but I didn't get them all back. Someone of them are still locked away.

"I often wonder what my parent's names were, if perhaps they gave me a different name. What did they look like? Was it just my mom, my dad, or both my mom and dad that raised me? Did I give them trouble as I grew, or was I laid back and calm?" Emotions clogged my throat. "It's so hard not remembering them, and scary not being able to remember my past." I took a shaky breath, attempting to relax.

"Sorry, I didn't mean for you to cry," Smokescreen said softly.

"It's okay. It was probably better to get the tears out," I said.

My guardian didn't say anything else, and neither did I; we just watched the sky.

The stars above were the only light as I slowly slipped away in the peace of sleep.

Transformers Prime: Vanishing Light (#3) [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora