Chapter 14

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A sudden sound woke me from my dozing. Snapping awake, the constant blinking sound continued.

"What's that?" I asked. I stood, moving over to the railing while gingerly rubbing my sleepy eyes. "Proximity alarm?" Even though I knew it wasn't.

"No, a high frequency signal," Ratchet said, walking over to another computer. "With an embed message."

"Starscream?" Arcee asked as everyone gathered. Jack, Miko and Raf walked over to where I had positioned myself.

"No," Ratchet said.

The medic leaned closer to the screen and narrowed his eyes as Bulkhead muttered, "Well, that's surprising."

"Who's it from then?" Wheeljack asked. "Screamer's the only one that's ever sent us a signal like that before."

"I don't know." Ratchet stood straight again. "Whoever sent it isn't in our database."

"So, trap?" Miko asked.

"More then likely," Grimlock said. "What's the message?"

"It's for you." Everyone turned to Grimlock in surprise as Ratchet continued, reading the message. "I come asking for you to listen." Everyone fell silent, waiting for Ratchet to continue, but he didn't.

"That's it?" Slug suddenly asked. "That's all it says?"

"Besides the set of coordinates attached, yes," Ratchet sighed, turning around to face everyone.

"Definitely a trap," Wheeljack muttered under his breath.

"So, do we go and listen, to whoever this is?" Smokescreen asked. "I mean, it's not like Megatron to do this, and we would know if it was him."

"Plus it was addressed to Grimlock," I added, stifling a yawn.

"It could be one of us," Slash said, looking to her leader. All eyes turned to the Grimlock and Optimus, both clearly thinking. The two leaders shared a look, something passing between them that finalized whatever both of them had just been thinking.

"I'll go," Grimlock said. "I personally can't pass this down if it is another Dinobot."

"Then you're not going alone," Slug said. Swoop, Slash, and Scorn all muttered in agreement. "If this happeneds to be a trap, then we'll be prepared."

With a final nod, Optimus turned to Ratchet. "Ratchet, open a ground bridge to the coordinates."

Grimlock's P.O.V.
The Autobot's ground bridge snapped shut behind us as we stepped on to a mountain. Wind whistled past us as we stood at the ready, weapons drawn. All of us looked around, not moving from our current position. No signs of a trap were evident, nor was the presence of anyone else.

"Looks clear," Slash muttered, the tenseness leaving her posture.

"Still be on your guard," I said, replacing my mace onto my back. "This could still very well turn into a trap."

"Why meet here?" Swoop asked, looking down the steep rock cliff. "I mean, why not closer to the ground? Not that I'm complaining."

"Privacy," Scorn shrugged. "If it gets ugly, then no humans will see or get involved."

"Which is perfect for a trap," Slug cut in, his posture still tense and twin swords out.

"Slug, relax," I said, motioning to his swords, still at the ready.

"Please do," A deep voice said.

All of us spun around, Slug brandishing his swords. A dark shape landed in front of us, his hands already up in the air.

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