Chapter 25

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"So, what's the plan for the rest of the day?" I asked Smokescreen, quickly taking a sip of water.

We sat outside a fast food joint, grabbing my lunch. We had stayed at the graveyard for a bit before driving around, and consequently stumbled upon the stretch of road in which the car accident had taken place on. Much to Smokescreen's horror, I insisted that we continue driving down that road. I wasn't going to avoid things due to my rough past, and I sure as heck wasn't shying away from a single road.

"I don't know. There's nothing much left to see in this town. It's pretty tiny and void of cool stuff," Smokescreen said, his holoform shrugging. "What do you want to do?"

I thought as I chewed. "Maybe wander in the woods, go explore some of the outdoors. I think getting out of the city would be a good change. Besides, we've never done that before."

Smokescreen nodded his head thoughtfully. "Let's do it." The engine roared to life as we pulled out of the parking lot, driving towards the outskirts of the city.

"How's your training going?" Smokescreen asked as he drove, his holoform still present.

"With Wheeljack or Alpha Trion?'


"Pretty good. I finally feel like I'm getting a proper understanding on the amulet's powers. It sure beats trying to figure them out as I go and advance them on my own. Wheeljack is a hard teacher, but I learn a lot from him. He definitely makes sure that I exceed my limits. His philosophy is that limits can only be surpassed by pushing past them, by a long shot."

"It's a good philosophy," Smokescreen defended.

"I'm not saying it's not, but it's not so great when you're so tired that you can't think straight," I countered, my mouth slightly full.

Smokescreen huffed as he smiled. "Wheeljack is a Wrecker, what did you expect?"

"I don't know," I sighed, a smirk on my face as Smokescreen turned off of the road and into the forest. It was bumpy as he drove deeper into the wilderness. As soon as we were far enough away from civilization, he transformed and we continued on foot.

"You good?" Smokescreen asked me as we walked, noticing me swatting bugs.

"Yeah, just the normal annoying mosquitos," I said, slapping another. "They're kinda of like the human version of scraplets, just not the eat you alive part; although, some days, it sure feels like that."

"Don't bring them up," Smokescreen said, wincing at the memory. I sympathized; the two scraplet packs hadn't been the best.

"Moving on from that topic," I said. "Do you mind if we spar?" Smokescreen looked to me, a quizzical look on his face. "I'm always sparring with Wheeljack, so I fight in a specific way because I know how he fights. With that, I don't know how others fight, so I'll probably be at a general disadvantage."

"I like that you're thinking about this," Smokescreen smiled. "Sure, let's find a clearing though."

It didn't take long before we did. With a nod, we both started sparring.

Compared to Wheeljack, Smokescreen wasn't as hard as an opponent, sticking to long range attacks. I wasn't used to it, but it gave me a different perspective on fighting. He was still a hard opponent, surprisingly stealthy and had quick reflexes, but I felt like I did well. After sparring like that for a bit, he materialized his holoform and we did some hand-to-hand combat, which I admit, he beat me every time. In my defence, he had been fighting a lot long than me and had had a lot more experience on the field.

He gave me some tips and ticks that helped me, and showed me a few new moves after we finished. He was a much more patient teacher than Wheeljack, but I found that he demonstrated a lot more than the wrecker, which I liked a lot more. Regardless, I got a lot of training in and learned quite a bit throughout the day. After grabbing supper at another fast food place, we returned to the clearing to spend the night in the woods.

"Did you have a nice day Lora?" Smokescreen asked as we watched the night sky. I sat on his hood, his holoform beside me. We both leaned against the front window as we observed the rising stars.

Star watching had turned into our thing. It was a relaxing time from both of us where we would just talk and take a moment to breath. It was a time to forget about the ongoing war, forget about the stress of school and our responsibilities, and a chance to get away from everything. It was our time to breath and relax, to be absorbed in the vastness of the sky.

The moon reflected on the lake in front of us, shining off in a beautiful and breath taking picture. The stars seemed to dance on the water as it rippled in the soft, warm breeze. The evening was beautiful and perfect in every possible way.

"It was very enjoyable. And relaxing. It was a very nice way to unwind after school and after learning everything. It was what I needed."

"Good, that was my goal," Smokescreen said. "You more than anyone else needed time like this to breath. A lot has happened, and I feel like I haven't really been there for you as you struggle your way through it."

"You have been there," I assured him. "We've both been busy with everything going on, the good, the bad, and the crazy. You've been there."

"You're not sugar coating it, right?" All I did was look over to him with a question on my face. "That's the term, right?"

"Yeah," I laughed. "It is. I'm just questioning your question about me. You know I'm honest about these sorts of things."

I heard Smokescreen smile, the amused puff of air sounding from beside me. 

"Oh!" I exclaimed, sitting up, "I've got something to show you. Roll up your sleeve."

Smokescreen did so, giving me an odd look. On his skin was a growing bruise that I had given him earlier today.

Without much concentration or staining myself, the bruise slowly turned blue as it started to fade, the skin returning back to normal.

"That was you?" Smokescreen asked, looking up from his arm and to my face. He rolled his sleeve back down.

"Yeah. I learned just recently how to get it to work outside of the amulet's realm," I beamed.

"Wow, that's awesome."

"Yeah, although, I can't use it on myself, since it uses actual energon. Even with my immunity, neither Alpha Trion or I want energon in me again."

"Even if you had a life threatening injure?" Smokescreen asked.

"On a large scale, it could do more harm than good," I said, quoting Alpha Trion. "Either way, I can heal others, and that will be able to help a lot, when I can figure out how to do the larger wounds."

"You'd put Ratchet out of business," Smokescreen joked.

"Somehow, I doubt he would care all that much."

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