Chapter 17

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"I'm so glad we have a break coming up," Miko sighed, playing with her food.

The afternoon sun was warm, and I was really happy Raf had suggested eating outside today. There was no overly loud chatter in the field, just the peaceful outdoors and the four of us. A few people played football on the other side of the field. They were far enough away that we could only hear their voices, not their words. Also, with us being near no one, it was the perfect setting for us to talk without censoring or in code.

"Me too," I said. "More time to train, more time to help out, and more time to ourselves."

"Honestly, I think we're all balancing it pretty well," Jack said.

"Are you kinding me? I have handed in so many assignments late!" Miko exclaimed.

"Yeah, but that's just you. You always do that," I pointed out kindly.

"Okay, fair point, but still. I've barley got any time to hang out with Bulk anymore." Flopping backwards, Miko continued. "This break is going to be awesome."

"Jack, don't you and Lora have a field trip coming up?" Raf asked.

"Yeah, it's today," Jack said.

"I completely forgot about that," I muttered.

"How could you forget about that?" Miko asked. "I would be totally pumped. Time away from school!"

"We're going to the museum," Jack said. Miko's excitement turned to confusion.

"Uhh, why? You're an English class, not a history class."

"Our teacher wants us to take a picture of five things, then create a short story from them, using the objects—or history related to them—in the short story," I explained.

"Mrs. Jones told us it was also an excuse to get away from school for a bit," Jack added.

"Well, that makes more sense," Miko said. "And I wouldn't be questioning that. Free time away, that's almost as good as the break."

All of us started to laugh, Miko joining in.

"So, I'm assuming you're gone for the rest of the afternoon?" Raf asked after we all stopped.

"Yeah, then back here just before the dismissal bell," Jack said.

"What's happening with your fourth period?" Miko asked.

"Well, in science, all we're doing is a work block, and I have everything done, so I'm not missing anything," I shrugged.

"We're just finishing our projects," Jack shrugged, talking about his social studies class. "Ms. Howel said that there was more time tomorrow to do it. I won't be missing much either."

"I wish I was going on a field trip," Miko sighed. "Would beat having to go to math."

"Still doing work?" I asked.

"Yep," she sighed. "All the way until Friday."

"That sucks."

A loud bell filled the air, ringing out across the field as it announced that class was about to begin.

"Well, that's our call to head to the bus," I said as I stood, swinging my bag over my shoulder.

"Have fun," Miko called as her and Raf headed towards the doors, away from the parking lot.

"We will," I smiled, waving at her. "See you after school."

"Have any ideas on what you're taking pictures of?" Jack asked as we moved to line up to board the bus, our teacher taking attendance as our class slowly trickled on.

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