Chapter 26

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I woke to the early morning sun trickling in through the front window. It was warm as I rolled over, yawning and stretching. My sweater fell off of me as I sat up, rubbing my sleep crusted eyes.

"Morning Sleepy," Smokescreen greeted, his voice cheery despite it being the morning.

"Did you just call me one of the seven dwarves?" I asked.

"Did I what? If that's a pop culture reference, you know I don't understand them all. You four may have shown and explained some of them to me, but that doesn't mean I understand them all," Smokescreen chided.

"It's from the Disney Movie "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves". When we get back to base, I'm making you watch it."

"If you say so. What's the plans for today?"

"I don't know. Make it up as we go?" I asked somewhat unsurely.

"Sounds good with me," Smokescreen said.

"Okay. Well, I'll be back. Bathroom break." Opening the car door, I hopped out, shouldering my sweater as I walked deeper into the woods. I heard Smokescreen transform, and casting a look over my shoulder, noticed him walk closer to the lake, further away from me.

I quickly did my stuff before heading back, stretching as I walked. Voices made me stop and quickly duck behind a pine tree.

"Scrap," I muttered, cursing.

"An Autobot out here all on his own?" Starscream asked. He forced a chuckle. "Somehow, I doubt that. Where's your human pet?"

"Even if I did know where she was, I wouldn't tell you," Smokescreen spat. He stared down the seeker, glaring at the hand raised in a threatening manner. Starscream's claw like fingers glittered in the early morning sun. The two Predacons behind him paced, their demeanour  threatening and agitated. On either side of my guardian were Starscream's other seekers, holding his arms back. I could see the phase shifter on his arm wasn't activated, and the seekers made sure not to turn it on accidentally.

There were too many for me to take on, and if they were trying to find me, walking out and attacking wouldn't be the best option. But I couldn't just sit here either, I wouldn't.

"Think of a plan before engaging," I reminded myself, thinking over Wheeljack's advice.

"Lora, break the tracker on the back of the amulet," Alpha Trion commanded. "Back in the war there was this protocol that if anyone's tracker was broken, and their life signal didn't go offline, an Autobot team would go to the bot's last known location. I don't know if that is still a thing, but that's our best option as of now."

"Okay. Let's try this." I flipped the amulet over, and found the small tracker in the back. Casting a quick look over to situation unfolding behind me, I threw the tracker to the ground and crushed it under my heel. "I hope this works."

The action was almost instant. The Autobot ground bridge opened, startling the Decepticons. Every Autobot minus Ratchet came out, weapons at the ready.

Starscream's eyes widened as he beheld the Autobots. I crouched and started moving, letting Wheeljack's lessons on stealth run through my head.

"Told you I wasn't alone," Smokescreen smirked.

"Let Smokescreen go Starscream," Optimus commanded. "You are outnumbered."

"Oh? I think not," the seeker said, his voice deep and growly as he spoke. His hand transformed into his blaster, pointing it at Smokescreen's chest. The two Predacons circled closer to the Autobots, and wing beats could be heard on the horizon. We needed to get this resolved, fast.

Transformers Prime: Vanishing Light (#3) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now