Chapter 16

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"I don't know if it'll work," I said, uncertainty in my voice. After hearing Wheeljack's training plan, I wasn't sure that the amulet could do what he wanted, or if I could do it for that fact.

"Theoretically, it would work," Alpha Trion said.

"Okay then," I said uncertainly, addressing both Wheeljack and Alpha Trion. "Let's try it."

I moved into a ready position, my feet planted shoulder width apart. I raised my hands, and took in one deep breath.

"So, all I have to do is condense my shield so then nothing gets absorbed in, but rather repealed?" I asked, double checking.

"You got that right," Wheeljack said, his blaster taking place of his right hand. "Ready?"

Pulling my shield up in front of me, I nodded.

Wheeljack shot, but I just absorbed it. He gave me a few seconds to try something else, then shot again. We repeated this process for a while, and each time, the shield absorbed instead of repealed.

"This is so annoying!" I exclaimed, flopping on the floor. "Are we sure that my shield can even do it?"

"I don't see a reason why it can't," Alpha Trion said.

"What about that orb you can create?" Wheeljack said.

"What about it?"

"It's condensed enough so you can stand on it. You just have to do the same thing with the shield."

"What if I pull the orb out and use it as a shield, or at least, something I can base the shield off of?" I wondered.

Leaping to my feet, I exclaimed, "Okay, let's try this again."

"How is project Predacon coming along?" Megatron asked as he walked into Shockwave's lab.

"Well, my liege. I require more CNA samples to continue," Shockwave said. "The specimens working for us are responding well to orders. It is logical to assume that they will continue to advance."

"And what about our resident Dinobot?" Megatron pressed, walking around in a calm manner, his hands clasped behind his back.

"Even when his loyalty was tested, he stayed faithful to us. It's logical to say that he will stay loyal to us," Shockwave said, his single red eye following his leader's movements

"Perfect." Megatron said, his voice smooth. "Then I believe it is time to set him lose, let him have a bit more leash." Ceasing his movements, the leader of the Decepticons turned and faced Shockwave. "Tell the Predacons and our Dinobot that it's time to hunt, both bones, and Autobots."

Lora's P.O.V.
Apparently my idea didn't work. Using my orb did work, but it took a lot more energy out of me then just using my shield. If I only used it in a quick pinch, my orb would be enough, but in a full battle against Dark Energon, I would just tire too fast, leaving me at a huge disadvantage.

"You want to stop for today?" Wheeljack asked, noticing my fatigue. I couldn't help the relief that flooded me. All I could manage was a simple nod of my head, relaxing my posture. The Wrecker's blaster disappeared, and he to returned to his normal stance.

I loved training, and I had nothing against Wheeljack, but he was a tough trainer, pushing to my limits and then past them. I guess he was doing me a favour; if I was in a battle, the enemy wouldn't let me stop, even if I was tired. Going past my limits was the only way of improving them and learning how to work when I was a tired.

"Let's continue this tomorrow morning, same thing," Wheeljack said. I nodded once again. Slowly, I started to make my way towards my room, finding the need to change out of my sweaty clothes.

"Oh, and Lora?" I stopped, and turned, finding Wheeljack with his sword out, no doubt getting in some training of his own. "I would suggest getting an early night tonight; you look pretty beat."

"That was my plan," I said, mustering a small chuckle. Wheeljack gave me a small smile, then turned and started swinging his swords, fighting a non-existent opponent.

My room seemed so far away, and every step taking away precious time for much needed sleep. After training for hours on end, I was sure I was going to sleep like a rock.

The shower was lovely. For most of it I just stood still, letting the refreshing water roll down my back.

"Lora, I'm not going to pull you in to do training tonight," Alpha Trion said as I dried my hair.


"You've already trained a lot with the amulet today, and plus, you need your sleep."

"But I get sleep when I'm training."

"Yes, but not to the full extent. You need your rest. I should've seen it sooner, I'm sorry."

"It's no big deal," I shrugged, "I didn't notice either. It's okay. Goodnight."

"Sleep well Lora."

I found myself a little disappointed as I nestled down into bed, wanting to train more. Pushing it aside, I closed my already drooping eyes and let sleep claim me.


I shot up. A scream rose to my lips, piercing the night.

"Lora, hey hey," A soothing voice said. Crouched beside my bed was the familiar shape of Smokescreen. Despite the darkness in the room, I knew that concern would no doubt fill his gaze. "It's okay, you're safe. I'm here." Slowly he rose, moving closer to me, flicking on the lamp on my nightstand as I did so.

I lunged for him, wrapping my arms around him in a hug. He didn't stiffen with shock, not like he had on the first night I had had nightmares, of MECH or Shockwave. Or Derek.

My heart raced as I clung to my guardian, my breathing frantic and checks wet with tears that I didn't remember crying.

"It's okay. I'm here," Smokescreen whispered, slowly rubbing my back. "MECH is gone, locked in places where they can't hurt you anymore."

"I know," I sniffled, not removing my head from his shoulder. I knew that my tears would stain his sweater, but after the last few nights, I knew he wouldn't care.

"I will never let them get to you, not while I'm around," Smokescreen continued.

"I know."

We just sat there for a bit, me trying to relax while Smokescreen comforted me. Eventually, the horrid pictures of my nightmare left my head, and I was relaxed, not perfectly but enough that I could let go of Smokescreen.

"You okay?" He asked I pulled away, a hand still on my shoulder.

"Yeah," I said, pulling in a deep, shaky breath.

Slowly, I moved down, deeper into my bed and the warm blankets. Smokescreen stood, removing his weight from the blankets so I could move them around.

"Do you mind staying?" I asked quietly, noticing that he might leave. "Just until I fall back to sleep?" I couldn't seem to form the words to tell him that the nightmares didn't really come when he was near me. I didn't really want to admit that my time with MECH had left more scars on me then I had first realized.

"For sure."

I shuffled over, allowing room for him to lay. Smokescreen laid down beside me, his arms above his head, acting as a pillow. He stayed on top of the comforter, but I could still feel his body heat and the comfort it gave me.

"Thanks," I said, rolling over towards my guardian as he shut of the lamp, smother the soft light it gave off.

"Don't hesitate to ask, okay?" He turned his head to look at me. One of his arms looped around me and pulled me into a side hug. I shuffled closer to him. "I'll do what ever you need me to do, if it keeps you happy and safe."

All I could manage was a happy, but sleepy, smile before I slowly fell asleep once again. Even with my eyes closed and half asleep, I could feel my guardian smile, and that was what allowed to have a peaceful sleep the rest of the night.

Transformers Prime: Vanishing Light (#3) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now