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"Hey." Virgil winced at the awkwardness in the air, the lack of words he could say, the anxiousness... I mean, what exactly do you say to the person you and your team hunted down like an animal. The vampire just stood there fearful tears in his startled eyes. Virgil couldn't help but cringe at the guilt he got over it all. He shouldn't be feeling bad. He shouldn't. He's a hunter. He... He... "Fuck, I feel horrible." Virgil mumbled to himself only making the vampire's eyes darken. "Uh... I um... V-Virgil." The vampire just nodded as he tried to scurry off only for Virgil to stop him making him squeak in fear. "I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to talk... say hi. You know... make amends? I don't even know." Virgil could see how the vampire curled away in fear and he sighed, deflating with a broken laugh. "Yeah. Ok... I kind of expected this. Whatever." The vamps eyes narrowed in confusion as Virgil turned away. 

"W-Why..." Virgil froze heating the shaky voice behind him as the vampire flinched slightly. "Why are you t-trying..." Virgil slowly turned around to see how the vampire clutched to the book as if they were a shield that could protect him. "...when y-you don't l-like me?"

"Because I'm stuck here so.." Virgil shrugged as he hugged himself awkwardly. "I figured it was best to make allies. Thought making amends would be a good place to start." 

"But you hate vampires." Virgil's eyes darkened as the vampire shifted his weight uncomfortably. "Wouldn't making allies be pointless?"

"I don't want to die." 

"That's not exactly true..." The vampire cringed as he quickly cut himself off with his hand. Virgil paled in shock as the vampire took several steps back expecting him to lash out. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean... I-I just... I uh..."

"You're an Empathic Vampire." The vamp squeaked out in fear as Virgil's eyes danced about noticing the pure white marking that covered the other. His eyes dropped to the other's hands and smiled seeing them there too. "You have the markings. I... You're an empathic vampire." Virgil shook his head as he held his hands up to show he wasn't going to do anything noticing how the other was shaking. "It's ok. Out of all the vampires, Empathic ones are actually pretty cool. I actually don't really hate them."

"What? Why not?" Virgil laughed as he shrugged and leaned against the wall.

"They feed on emotions whether they be good or bad. Out of all of them, your kind can actually do some good by feed off the negative emotions making the others... feel better." The vampire's eyes shined as he smiled over the sense of honesty he got from the other. He was actually surprised. He wasn't expecting it. Virgil sighed as his small smile fell a bit and even the vampire could see he wasn't happy about something. "It wasn't a favored thought, so I never said anything but... I didn't hate all vampires. Don't hate Psi vamps either. all they do is feed on energy. The worst that happens is they knock someone out. They can't even kill from feeding. I don't know..." Virgil hugged himself tighter as his own anxiety bubbled up. He knew it would help to admit... to make friends but... that fear of someone judging him still rang through. If the hunters had heard this they would have pegged him for a sympathizer and he didn't want to go through what they would have done to him. "I never actually agreed with hunting either yours or the psi kind. What's the point of hunting down the ones that could help or don't actually hurt people. It never... felt right to me." Virgil flinched hearing the ecstatic squeal the other gave as he giggled happily. Virgil couldn't help but smile seeing how they seemed to relax around him now that he admitted it. He was glad. That was until they froze up, eyes wide, before giving him a childish pout.

"But what about Sanguine Vampires?" Virgil tensed up badly, his heart jumping as he looked away. The man just frowned as he felt the fear Virgil had sparked in him. "That is what Roman is. He's a Sanguine."

"I-I know." Virgil grimaced at the anxiety pooling in him as he shifted his weight. "W-What's your name. You didn't actually tell me and I don't think referring to you as Vampire all the time is uh... good?"

"My name is Patton... now why do hunters hate us so much." Virgil paled as Patton directed the conversation right back to what it was without any shame at all. It was like he wasn't ever scared but Virgil knew he was, just less so now after his reveals. 

"Well, we-..." Virgil's blood turned to ice as the question truly hit him. His mind drew a blank and for the life of him he just couldn't actually come up with an answer. He didn't have one. Patton smiled sadly as he shook his head. "You don't know yourself... do you?"

"It's just how we were raised." Virgil frowned as everything crushed him. All the lessons he was taught. All the questions he had but could not ask without getting in trouble. All the time's people would pound in his head that they were evil. All the moments he's had to bite his tongue when a vampire literally begged him for help. "The only reason I hate the sanguine is because they can and HAVE killed. They drink blood."

"That's the only thing that separates them from humans... besides the powers and abilities they have." Virgil crashed as Patton's words swirled around his head. "Humans will kill, pillage, and do unspeakable things to another human. They kill livestock and other animals, some near to extinction, for either food or sport. I have literally feed off the pain people have experienced because of the mean things another human will do to them. Why is it that a vampire, sanguine or otherwise is hunted just for living?"

"Th-There und-dead?" Virgil stuttered hopelessly as he just tried to wrap his mind around everything. He wasn't wrong. He knew Patton wasn't and that just hurt all the more. All those years he'd been raised in this... all those lectures burning through his mind. It was starting to make him sick.

"Technically only turned Sanguine are 'undead' and even that isn't really true. I can promise you no vampire really likes that term even if they were turned." Virgil whined internally as Patton smiled sadly feeling his distress. "Psi and Empathic vampires are all born as we don't have fangs or venom. There's no way for us to create other vampires unless we give birth to them. Only the Sanguine have that ability because of their fangs and venom. Which is why you'll find more of their kind than any other, but... even turned they aren't really 'dead' just changed. At least that's how I feel about it."

"Why?" Patton's eyes beamed and bounced a bit as Virgil frowned in confusion.

"Because silly... Roman still feels things." Virgil's heart completely crashed to the floor as Patton chuckled softly. "His heart may have stopped beating but he still feels pain and joy. He may be 'dead' but he still capable of caring. Even so much as to let Logan and I feed off of him."

"Wait is that even possible?!" Patton nodded as Virgil just stood there stunned at the new information.

"Of course it is. Psi vampires feed off the energy that is put out by something. Empathic ones like myself feed off the emotions. As long as it has either one we can feed off of it no problem." Virgil let out a huff as he digested everything, with blinking eyes. "It's the sanguine that have that stipulation of it needing to be blood from a living being, but even that can be worked around if the circumstances are met." Patton took in the stance and expression Virgil held as he just sighed and let himself relax completely. "You should really get to know Roman."

"What?" Virgil snapped up in surprise at the statement before smirking at the other. "I am." Patton just shook his head as he pointed at him with a sad gleam in his eyes. 

"You're still only seeing him as a vampire." Virgil's eyes shot wide as Patton smiled sadly. "The fear and hate... You're not seeing 'Roman'."

"There's no point." Patton's face fell as he just deflated seeing the pain in the other's eyes.

"Then there's no point in trying to make allies. Why bother when the one you do have you refused to actually see?"

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