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TW~Kidnapping, Sad bois

"ROMAN!" Logan burst through the door scaring the King awake who jumped with a start only to freeze up seeing the crown in the advisor's hand. Tears started to fall instantly as Roman desperately searched their bond for anything only getting numbed out static. He quickly jumped up to get himself ready as Logan placed his hand on his shoulder making Roman stop cold. "Roman... you can't."

"You can't stop me."

"What if this is when..."

"THEN I DIE!" Roman yelled out only to pale seeing Quin standing there in his doorway with tears in his eyes. "Quin."

"Papa?" Roman's heart broke hearing Quin's voice for the first time as the young vampire looked at the crown and blinked, letting the tears stream down. "This... Goodbye?"

"No. No, Quin..."

"I know." Quin whispered as he pointed to his head. "Heard... Voices. They said you die. So... 's it goodbye?" Roman crashed, walking himself over to his son and falling to his knees. He didn't dare let himself keep his composure. Not now... not with something like this. Roman let his tears fall harder as he took Quin's hands and smiled softly up at his son.

"I don't know. I can't tell you if this is it but... Know that whatever the outcome is... I'm going to save your father." Roman pressed a very tearful kiss to his son's hands as he choked up over everything. "And I love you so much. Ok? If I don't come back to tell you again and again... don't ever forget how much your Papa loves you. Don't ever let your dad forget I love him either ok? Protect him for me if I'm gone? He's going to need you."

"Don't go?" Roman's eyes dazed feeling that pull just over Quin's voice. Now he understood why the youngest never wanted to talk even after becoming a vampire. "Please, Papa. Don't go. Don't-..." 

"Please, don't try to stop me." Roman forces through his lips as he tried to fight the spell his son was putting on him. "Please."

"Don't go." Quin was a siren. That meant he could control a person with just the sound of his voice. He was young, far too young to have any real strength but even still Roman was struggling to not fall under. It was stronger than any young vampires mesmer at least. "Papa, Don't go. Don't leave me. Don't leave Dad. Papa..."

"Quin!" Roman snapped making the youngest clam up suddenly. He groaned as he quickly pulled his son in for a hug, his heart breaking over how the younger was shivering against him. "I am sorry. I don't want to leave you. I'll understand if you hate me for it but... I have to save Virgil."

"I..." Quin whimpered as he nodded and just wrapped his arms around Roman. "I love you, Papa."

"I love you too, Filius Meus. Goodbye, Sweet boy." Roman whispered before vanishing in a gust of wind before anything else could be said. After all... He finally felt something from Virgil and he wasn't about to let the opportunity pass him by. The second he knew where Virgil was, he was raced off to find him.

"Virgil." Virgil blinked the haze away as he groaned. He could feel the cold silver biting into him as he sat there bound to the metal chair. His eyes fluttered endlessly in the daze before finally looking up to see Harman sitting there in front of him. A small guilty smile appeared on the old hunter's face as Virgil fussed about the chair before just crashing. There was no way he was getting out of this. "I'm sorry for the... harsh reunion. This was not how I wanted to see you again."

"Harman?" Virgil honestly just completely crashed against the chair as everything hit him all at once. "You're the threat?"

"Threat?" Harman's eyes narrowed in confusion as Virgil just shook his head. "I really am sorry, Virgil. I didn't want this for you."

"Cut the shit, Sir. We both know where this is will go. One of us will die." Harman sighed as he nodded, just eyeing the silver they had all bound around the young vampire.

"I don't want to kill you, Virgil. Vampire or not, you are my son. That's a sentiment Ryzan didn't understand."

"And yet I'm bound to a chair." Virgil hissed out as he glared through his hair at the hunter before him.

"I didn't have a choice. Either I captured you... in which you would remain here with me ALIVE... or someone else would take the job and you'd be faced with another Ryzan. I heard about what she did to you..." Harmans eyes drop to the mark on Virgil's neck and you could see the pain clear as day in him. "You have a mate."

"Yes... and knowing him he's on his way here already to rescue me." Harman blinked suddenly making Virgil cringe realizing he had never actually 'come out' to Harman before. Well, it can't be any worse than finding out your adopted son turned vampire. 

"He? You're mate's male?" Virgil cowered away as The hunter just smiled a little more. "No wonder you always looked so uncomfortable whenever Ryzan brought up a girlfriend."

"Stop. Just stop. Stop playing the part of the caring father. You're a hunter. I'm a vampire."

"Virgil, I took this job to keep you safe." Virgil frowned as he met Harman's serious gaze. "I never agreed with Ryzan's thoughts. I was tired of this job anyway. When I had heard that you had turned... that word popped up that Ryzan had forced you to... I had gone into retirement. The hunters don't need old bones like me anyway. The problem with that was... other hunters with similar views to Ryzan would take my place and you would be the first one the went after."

"I'm confused... I'm still tied up!"

"I'm not the only hunter here Virgil. We're at my base." Virgil's heart dropped as Harman stared down at the ground. "This was the best option. Virgil... Someone put in a job with the hunters. They want you dead. Everyone was jumping at the chance to get it. If I didn't accept your castle would have been overrun with hundreds of hunters out for your head and any other vampire they can manage to get their hands on. "They're the ones that told me where the castle was, to begin with."

"Who... Who sent the request? How would they even know about the castle?" Harmans eyes were dark as everything clicked into place. "The traitor?"

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