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Everything was handled and set as the treaty was all written up and signed. Although Nicholaus was surprised to discover that Roman was the one going to sign it. At first, he had made a comment but when it was revealed just who Roman was everyone seemed to crash and just nod over it all. Roman explained that he had stepped back when he had discovered his mate had taken charge and it wasn't in any way to deceive them. Nicholaus didn't seem upset at all. In fact, he seemed all the happier with everything they had managed to accomplish. He didn't just have some random treaty with a vampire. No... He had struck up a treaty that protects his kind with the KING of all vampires and his mate. He was more than happy to sign it after that discovery. 

With the wolves now spreading the word out to other lupin camps and with them keeping the fallen hunter base as their own land, the vampires were free to return home with the good news. There was just one last thing they had to do. Or more correctly put...

Roman and Virgil had one last thing to do.

"Come on, Ro!" Roman laughed as Virgil dragged him off down the quiet streets of the human town not far from the wolves' new home. "They have ice cream!" 

"I take it you would like some?" Roman mumbled softly as Virgil nodded bringing them over to this late-night ice cream shack. As Virgil ordered for the two of them, Roman just stood back admiring his love. He had to admit their date night... whatever a date was really... had been amazing. Virgil had taken Roman out for dinner at this nice and small little diner. Nothing extravagant but then again... Roman loved that about it. Sometimes all Roman wants is to get away from it all and Virgil knew that. After dinner, the two went for a walk in the park watching as the sky darkened above them. When it had started to rain the two of them ran for cover in a mall and laughed about everything. Now the rain had stopped letting them walk down the near-empty streets just enjoying the quiet until Virgil caught sight of the very ice cream shack they were now at. 

"Here!" Virgil giggled as he handed over a small strawberry cone to Roman who just smiled as he took it. "I got mint chip." 

"I can see." Roman teased lightly booping Virgil's nose only for the other to get a spark in his eyes. "You're adorable."

"Adorable, huh?" Virgil lulled softly with a sassy look as he moved closer to Roman who suddenly froze up like ice, a blush to his cheeks. "I can be more than just adorable, Romulus." The way Virgil purred his name set a fire down Roman's spine. He couldn't help the purr that rumbled from him as his mind blanked under the look Virgil was giving him. "If you wanted anyway."

"U-Uh... Uh, um..." Roman whined internally as he shook himself out of his thoughts and gave the other a playful glare. "Watch it, Love. Or else I might just have to reteach you who's the boss."

"The boss... Butterfly we both know I need only say the word..." Roman felt his stomach just drop as Virgil leaned in even more grabbing his shirt and pulling him down to his level. "...and you'll drop to your knees." Roman couldn't stop himself. He crashed, pressing his lips into Virgil roughly with a very obvious growl tearing through him. He desperately tried to ignore the heat that burned through him over Virgil's words before pulling away to see the dazed look in Virgil's eyes.

"Nice try, Love. But I'm the one still in control here...."

"Well no duh mister Roman emperor." Virgil teased as he pulled away and just focused on enjoying his ice cream cone. "I can talk and shit but at the end of the day, we both know who the one in charge of everything. Can't help that I'm a switch." Roman's eyes shot wide as his conversation with Remus played in his mind. "I know it doesn't mean anything but... I don't know. It might be nice to be the one to make you blush for once. Forget I said anything."

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