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Virgil's eyes narrowed as he took in everything around him. It was late into the night not that he cared any. He's always been far more awake at night, which seemed to a good thing considering how active the vampires were too. 

He sighed as he slipped into the kitchen, his stomach rumbling loudly in annoyance over the lack of food. Sure Roman had said he would feed him but to be completely honest Virgil didn't trust him as far as the length of his pinky finger. He wasn't about to give a bloodsucker the chance to poison him.

Virgil rolled his eyes seeing how the staff all jumped the second they noticed he was there. It wasn't that hard to see they were all vampires. If anyone should be scared... He was the ONLY human in a castle FILLED with them. He should be scared. 

"Relax." Virgil hissed as he slowly made his way closer to the counters just to see what they were doing. His stomach growled louder as he grimaced at the hunger pain. His eyes darted about the place wondering if there was any way he could snag some actual food. The chefs were all running around with raw meat, no doubt draining the blood for all the vampires that lived there. He was about to check out the fridge only for a hand to grasp him by the arm and quite literally drag him out of the kitchen. "HEY! What gives?!" Virgil growled angrily as he spun around to see a very pissed off Vampire.

"You are not allowed in the kitchen." He hissed as he fixed his tie making Virgil laugh. Looking him over it was clear to see the type of person the guy was. He was tall and of average build. His dark oxford blue eyes glimmered with disdain as he stood there arms crossed over his chest, scrunching the soft grey tie he had on.

"Why?" Virgil glared him down not even caring about the fact that it was literally a vampire. If he was going to die then so be it. He was not going to let any of them walk all over him. "Because of the knives." He mocked childishly only serving to anger the vampire even more. "You do realize I am the only human completely surrounded by vampires. I can't even kill one of you on my own let alone all of you" The vampire growled quietly as Virgil stuffed his hands into his jean pockets. "I just wanted food. That's not a crime."

"If you were in need of something, you were supposed to inform His Majesty... Not go off and try to acquire it on your own." Virgil flared as his eyes literally flashed, albeit far too subtle to be noticed, in anger.

"I am not a damn pet. I am not going to beg the fucking king like a damn dog for scraps!"

"Failure to comply with your set rules will result in your starvation." Virgil's face paled at the subtle smirk he was given as if the vampire was proud in his statement. "You are to as King Roman for anything you should desire such as food or clothes. He is the one that is in charge of your wellbeing. If you do not... there could accidental circumstances."

"I just wanted food." The vamp just shrugged as he shot a sideways glance at nothing.

"Then you should have asked Roman." Virgil deflated slightly as he wrapped his hoodie tighter around him. "No one else will provide you with anything. You either ask the King or you go without."

"Whatever." Virgil rolled his eyes as he waved the vampire off just wanted to be done with it all. He went to leave only for the vampire to grab his shoulder roughly, digging his nails into Virgil so hard the poor hunter had to suppress a whimper as he bit his tongue.

"I feel as though I must inform you of just WHO I am." Virgil winced badly, his face scrunched in pain as the vampire's grip only hardened. "I am Logan Fontaine, Personal Advisor to the King himself... an oracle on top of it all. You cannot hide from me. I will know any and EVERY action you make before it's even a thought in your head and I WILL step in to stop you if I must." Virgil gasped subtly as Logan finally released his shoulder, making it throb horribly. "I do not understand why the king did not just kill you but... be it as it may you are here. If I so much as even for a single second receive any indication that you will betray him... I will not hesitate to decorporealize you." Virgil frowned in confusion as he slowly looked back to see the glare Logan was giving him. "I will kill you." Virgil didn't respond as he just shifted his weight trying to ignore the burning shooting down his arm from the vice grip Logan had had. "There are statistically more vampires in this one castle than you will probably ever or WILL EVER have seen in your lifetime..."

"I'm a hunter." Virgil hissed as he rolled his shoulder hoping that would help... it didn't. "I know how to deal with vampires."

"If that is so then tell me, Hunter... What am I?" Logan smirked sassily as Virgil shot him this tired look. "Surely you are aware of the different kinds of-..."

"You're a Psi-vampire." Logan's face fell instantly as Virgil just pointed at his face. "The black markings you have around your eyes are quite telling, dude. It would be really stupid of me if I was a hunter and couldn't tell which was which." Virgil smirked as he stuffed his hands into his pockets noticing Logan's shock. "Besides... You seem to think I'm a 'normal' human. I'm not. I'm not even a normal hunter. You really shouldn't underestimate me."

"Abnormal or not..." Logan simply responds with a quirk of his brow before leaving. "You are still only human."

"Shit." Virgil crashed the second Logan was out of view. He fell back against the wall, wincing at the pain in his shoulder as he tensed up badly. "That fucker..."

"Do you need any ice?" Virgil jumped at the sudden voice only to growl seeing the very king he was trying to avoid standing there beside him. Roman frowned as he glanced off after his friend holding back the growl that wanted to escape him. "Logan's actually lucky I can hold my temper, considering..." Roman sighed as he took Virgil's hand ignoring the way the human flinched at his touch and carefully led him back into the kitchen. The staff all tensed again at the sight of Virgil but relaxed as Roman smiled at them reassuringly. As long as he was there they knew they had nothing to worry about. He swiftly picked Virgil up, setting him on the counter, surprising the human greatly, as Roman went and grabbed some ice out of the freezer. Virgil watched as Roman put some in a bag before wrapping it all up in paper towels before bringing it back to him only to freeze at the look Virgil gave him. Roman just sighed as he gestured to Virgil's shoulder with a very weak smile. "Do you mind removing your hoodie?"

"Yes. I do mind." Virgil hissed despite relenting and gently shifting his hoodie off his one shoulder, revealing the dark bruising already forming under the blacked and red swollen marks.

"Just how hard was he holding you?" Roman forced himself to take a breath before growling out in anger and focusing on the injury. Roman lightly placed the ice onto the wound making Virgil hiss at the cold biting into him. "My apologies but it will help to bring the swelling down."

"I know." Virgil groaned as he basically pushed Roman's hands away from him, holding the ice there himself instead.

"Why didn't you just ask me for food?" Virgil's eyes darted over to him with this deep cutting glare that made Roman tense. "I mean... It's my responsibility. If you need something-..."

"I am not a dog that begs for scraps." Virgil hissed violently as he gripped the ice so tightly it dug into his fingers. Roman just scoffed, annoyed over the persistent attitude, as he shook his head.

"As now, my pet..." Virgil's eyes shot wide as Roman smirked suggestively and leaned in, barring his fangs. "That's exactly what you are." Roman shifted back suddenly as Virgil glared him down. "The rules aren't set in place for your safety but the comfort and protection of my people. The very vampires that serve me and are forced to endure your presence because of me. You will obey them as you have no choice." Virgil's eyes narrowed before he just rolled them and jumped off the counter making Roman jump in concern over his injury.

"See this is why I hate your kind." Roman tensed at the sharp pain that shot through his chest at Virgil's words. "You stare down at us. You think you're above us human and that we're no different than cattle." Roman winced, his hand going to his chest, as he went to say something only for Virgil to cut him off before storming out of the kitchen without getting anything to eat. "You JUST called me a dog." 

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