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Virgil stepped back admiring the meal he had made with a soft smile. He was thankful for the staff's help. After the whole 'confessing his love in a room filled with vampires' thing, they've all started to relax a bit with him and he was glad. He nodded over to the main chef who then started to round everyone up to help hand it all out. Virgil made sure to inform them exactly which one was Roman's as Virgil used blood throughout the whole process and the king is still having issues consuming any that isn't his. 

He carefully made his way out of the kitchen, stumbling slightly as the room swam. It was only getting worse and he knew he didn't have much time left.  With how consistent Roman's feedings have been, even if they weren't much, Virgil doubted he would last the year. Now... Now was when Virgil needed to start setting things in place. He was going to die. Roman wasn't going to turn him so... He was GOING to die. He had to make sure that when he's gone Roman won't end up following him after.

"BITCH!" Virgil chuckled as he glanced up to see Remus running in with a smile. "I'm back! Did you miss me?"

"Remus, please..." Janus whined as he followed quickly after.

"Hey. Hey. Hey. Virgin, Hey!" Virgil just rolled his eyes softly as he made his way to the table trying to not reveal how shakey his body was. Remus giggled as he jumped into his chair with a bright smile. "I had a lot of fun tormenting the hunters. Scared the shit out of several camps. It was a blast."

"I'm glad you had fun." Remus's eyes narrowed a bit as Janus sighed seeing the confusion. After all, Remus just got back. He wasn't aware of everything that happened. That means... he probably suspected Virgil to have been upset over what he said. "I'd love to hear about it all at some point."

"I killed several. Drained one even..." Still, Virgil didn't react and Remus frowned as his confusion only grew. 

"Good." Remus's eyes flashed in shock as Virgil's smile turned evil. "Though you should have killed more."

"As much as I hate to say it..." Virgil melted as Roman whispered softly in his ear, wrapping his arms around him from behind. "...blood lust is a good look on you."

"You would see it more if you..." Virgil mumbled only to cut himself off as Roman squeezed him gently. "... nevermind that. I have a surprise for you."

"Oh?" Roman smiled softly as he went to his usual seat across from Virgil. The seating always was a bit odd but Virgil understood. Virgil sat on one side with Roman across from him. Remus sat in between Roman and Janus. He didn't mind it. It gave him a chance to see all their expressions. "You have a surprise for me?"

"Not just you but... yes, I do." Roman's eyes glimmered as Virgil chuckled softly. "I made dinner."

"You what?" Remus laughed hysterically thinking it was a joke but Virgil just blinked making him clam up. "Wait they let you cook?"

"I don't see why not. After pretty much announcing to the castle that I'm in love with your brother things have sort of... relaxed." Remus's eyes bugged as Janus smirked over his shock. He nudged his mate lightly with a chuckle of his own and nodded. 

"I told you things have happened."

"Yes, but I didn't think THAT, Janus!" Remus scratched as Roman just sighed in annoyance. It didn't last long however when the staff started to bring the food out for everyone... even Virgil, which surprised to staff some but no one made a comment on the fact that only Roman's was the one without blood. Remus, however, fell completely silent the second the smell of it hit him. "Oh, my god... That smells fucking amazing!" Roman frowned in confusion as he glanced around at it all. His eyes only narrowed as he pressed a hand his nose clearly a tad uncomfortable with the scent but Virgil understood.

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