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TW~ Roman is a bit... uh... well, he REALLY wants Virgil's blood

"Virgil!" Virgil jumped at the sudden sound of his name only to suddenly get tugged off to the side. He gave a soft grunt as he landed against the chest of a taller, much stronger man, and he flushed deeply at the arms that wrapped around him. "Hello, Doll."

"R-Roman?" Virgil squeaked as he hesitantly stepped away to find the King smiling down at him, without an ounce of pain from before. "I uh... Um... W-what?" Roman chuckled softly as he lightly tapped the human on the nose only making Virgil flush deeper. Roman hummed at the scent that rushed around him from the quickened pace of Virgil's heart. 

"You really are delectable, My Dear." He rasped out making Virgil's eyes go wide seeing the hunger burn in the vampire's eyes. Roman couldn't stop the way he reached out and pulled Virgil closer again as he buried his nose into Virgil's neck earning a shaky whine over the uncomfortable closeness. "Sorry." Roman whispered against his neck feeling that anxiety burn through the bond. "I couldn't help myself. You just smell so good." Roman pressed a very light kiss to Virgil's skin eliciting a squeak out of him again before jumping back to collect himself despite the hunger that's nagging at him. "Don't worry. I'm not going to bite you. Even if I want to..."

"N-Not helping your c-case." Roman's eyes darkened as Virgil avoided his gaze altogether.

"I can't help it, Virgil. You make me crazy... addicted... but I won't do it. I don't want to hurt you." Virgil nodded, that flush still to his cheeks only making Roman's need grow. He was very hungry. He hadn't eaten in a while. He wanted to make sure the staff all got what they needed, on top of Virgil... having to keep him safe and the others safe... wanting Virgil to be comfortable and knowing him seeing him feeding would NOT be a good thing. Virgil frowned as he glanced up noticing just how much hunger was laced in his gaze and he shivered. 

"D-Did you need something?" Roman's head titled ever so slightly as his eyes made their way to Virgil's neck. "R-Ro?" Virgil tensed as he glanced around him before yelling. "ROMAN!" The vampire suddenly jumped as if startled out of his thoughts before just smiling awkwardly. 

"I dazed out. I'm sorry. Did you ask me something?" Virgil groaned in annoyance as he rolled his eyes. 

"I asked if you needed something... considering you sought me out?" Roman 'awed' as he just chuckled at himself a bit. "So? What did you want?"

"I wanted to know if you'd take a walk with me." Virgil narrowed his eyes in confusion as Roman pointed off down the hall. "Outside Virgil. I want to take a walk with you outside... if you want to join me."

"A walk... outside? Aren't you afraid I'd ru-..." Virgil cut himself short noticing the slight shake in Roman's hands and he sighed. It would give them a chance to bond a bit and he really needs allies. Even if Roman already was one establishing a... 'friendship' would still help far better than just having the vampire unable to kill him. He really needed this chance. "Yeah... I guess we can do that." Roman's eyes lit up as Virgil smiled awkwardly.

"Thank you!" Roman pulled him into a hug startling Virgil quite a bit only to freeze up feeling Roman nuzzle into him. "Oops." Roman spoke quietly to himself not really aware that Virgil had heard it. Though Virgil could assume why 'oops' considering Roman was literally breathing in his scent. "Let's go." Roman called out as he finally pulled away quickly as if not letting Virgil see his eyes. It'll get dark soon."

"Can we stop by the kitchen first?" Roman stopped dead in his tracks as Virgil stumbled into him.

"Why? Are you hungry? Did you not get anything to eat earlier? I thought I told them to let you into the kitchen without me."

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