TW~ A lot of talk of blood and death and stuff like that

"So what exactly did the hunters have you learn?" Emile asked softly as he skimmed through all the books he had on his desk. Roman frowned as he glanced around at everything. Sure he had powers, as a sanguine, they all have them as a race, but... Magic in its self was something different. He possessed it as a race ability but he could not do anything outside of what his gift was. Knowing that Virgil could and that it could be destructive and dangerous... It worried him greatly. Roman stuck close to Virgil as the two of them moved to this couch as Emile got whatever it was he needed.

"Not much." Virgil whispered as he glanced over at Roman, who was holding him tightly against his side, clearly not wanting him to be too far away. "They just had me learning wards and charms. Small things. I've never actually put them in use. In terms of research... they didn't have much on magic."

"Ok then." Emile yanked out this small book from the back of the pile with a huff as he made his way over to them. "Then how about we start small."

"Small?" Roman whispered shakily as Virgil frowned seeing the concern in his love's eyes. "Small like the fire that nearly burnt you both to a crisp?" Emile's eyes flashed as he quickly shook his head only making Roman frown more. "Then what exactly are you planning on having him do?"

"I had planned on teaching him a few divination spells." Virgil smiled as Emile skipped through the pages of the book before placing it on the table between them to let the two see the spell he was referring to. "Lesser Divination magic is probably the least problematic. What we have to think about know is..."

"The blood." Roman's eyes flashed as Virgil whispered softly making Emile nod. "I can't use my blood as a source with Roman-..."

"Absolutely not." Roman cut in quickly holding Virgil closer to him. "You are not hurting yourself. Not with me here. I won't allow it."

"Well... He needs something to use as a source. He isn't able to use different sources right now." Emile glared the vampire down as Roman just sighed and leaned against Virgil's shoulder. 

"Does it have to be your own?" Roman whispered against Virgil's neck making the youngest shiver. "I mean... If you use blood magic... couldn't it be any kind of blood. Does it have to be you?"

"No, but different blood has different effects." Emile sighed as he shook his head drawing the two's attention, even if Roman refused to move from where his head was buried into Virgil's shoulder. "Animal blood is the weakest. Human is only slightly better. Witches and Lupis are only a bit better than that. Vampire, Elven, or Fae blood is much stronger than that. Then there's the Drea and Dragons."

"So mine would be no different than Virgil's?" Virgil paled as he quickly shook his head making Emile frown in confusion who had been about to agree.

"Roman it's not just species that affects it. Even hunters knew this." Emile's eyes widened as facepalmed. He had completely forgotten about Roman's age. Virgil smiled sadly as he brushed Roman's hair back. "There are many different things that play into it. Such as... Virgin's blood." Roman jerked up a bit in shock as Virgil grimaced. "There's a reason so many religions and cultures used them for sacrifice."

"I'm not a virgin." Roman said bluntly making Emile choke on air as Virgil blushed. "I've told you this. I've been with many men... I had a wife and children. I can't exactly be a virgin if I'm a father... biologically anyway." 

"R-Right... That wasn't... Wasn't what I meant, R-Ro." Roman quirked a brow as Virgil tried to calm himself down. "Age also has a play into it. For human's the younger the blood the stronger."

"For Vampires the older the stronger." Emile cut in seeing how Virgil blanked a bit. The hunters taught Virgil a lot but not everything. Roman frowned as he sat back against the couch with a pout.

"Damn." Roman muttered disappointingly. "I am one of the oldest."

"Royal blood is potent as well, Ro." The room went silent as Virgil smiled sadly noticing how Roman's face fell even more. Emile just frowned in confusion over Virgil even bring it up at all. "Royal blood is just as sought after as the uh... The first thing I said. That means..."

"My blood is far more potent than yours." Emile's confusion only grew as Roman groaned loudly. "Even still... I don't want you using your own. I'm more than willing to offer mine."

"Wait, I'm confused." Emile quickly cut in raising a hand slightly as Virgil shot him a curious glance. "Why did you bring up Royal blood as if that was a problem we faced now?"

"Because... it is?" Emile's face paled as Virgil glanced over at Roman. "Ro?"

"As High King of the Vampires... It would make me of Royal blood..." The way all the blood just drained from Emile's body was clear as day as Roman spoke so quietly. "Wouldn't it?"

"High... high king of... What?" Roman crashed as he just leaned against Virgil completely, clearly desperate as he played with Virgil's hand. "You're the high king of-..."

"Virgil please don't?" Roman whimpered lightly as he nuzzled against him. "If you have to... use mine. Please-..." Virgil sighed as he squeezed Roman's hand lightly. 

"You can't protect me from everything Roman..."

"I can sure as fuck try." Roman growled protectively as Virgil just shot him a glaring look. "You're mine to take care of. You..." Roman tensed as his hands started to shake badly. "You mean... so much to me... everything... My love please?"

"Ok." Roman's eyes lit up as Virgil relented with a sad smile. "I will listen to you this time, Roman. But I'm serious about this... I need to learn everything I can do. Which means you HAVE to let me. You can't protect me from everything." Roman growled only for Virgil to gently brush his hand through Roman's hair. "I have to be strong enough to protect myself to should anything happen. I'm not always going to have things I can draw on... the most valuable thing I have and will always have at my disposal... is myself."

"Not right now..." Virgil just nodded as he passed over the little needle tool from the table. Emile shook himself out of his thoughts as Roman took the tool into his hand with a small soft smile. "For now... Let me help you?"

"Alright then, Virgil, we're going to try this one first." Emile pointed to a spell just as Roman pricked his finger drawing blood and making Virgil cringe at the sight of it. His chest clenched at the thought of Roman doing it but then again... he understood Roman would have been hurt worse if Virgil had done it himself. Roman held his hand out and Virgil smiled as he took it in his own, subtly gasping at the energy that burst through him just at the contact. "Let's try to track Remy. It should be easier since the distance is short."

"Here we go then." Virgil chuckled as he squeezed Roman's hand, who just leaned against him happily. The young fae just closed his eyes as he latched onto the energy from Roman's blood before focusing on the book before him to recite the spell. 

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