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Roman grunted as he pulled the collar off letting it fall to the floor with a clang. He groaned in exhaustion as he stumbled a bit, being forced to brace himself on the wall as he walked. He wanted to kick himself in the ass for just allowing himself to get so drained but there was nothing he could do now. Plus, his stupid brain forgot that maybe he should feed, mainly because he still needed Virgil for that, and just let the hunters he was fighting all die. That means dead blood... which he couldn't have.

"Damn it." The room swam as the sound of alarms blasted through the place. He needed to find Virgil but... He had to get Remus and Janus first. They were still trapped in those silver cells. "Please stay safe, My love." Roman whispered softly hoping Virgil heard him through the bond as he gripped the key in his hand tightly and started back for the room preparing for a fight.

"I will." Virgil responded to the soft lull of his love's voice in his mind as he tuned back into what he was doing. "Now which one is the reactor core-..."

"Virgil. Everett. Grim." Virgil paled as he turned to see Ryzan standing there twirling her blade about her hand. "You were supposed to be dead. The fact that a successful change in anyone is slim at best but... you were so weak... You were supposed to have died. So tell me, Stormcloud. How are you still moving?"

"You forgot to take into account all the venom I already had in me." Her eyes darkened, that frown of hers a stark difference of expression than what she normally had. "I literally grew up with venom coursing through me. There wasn't anything the blood had to do to get my body used to it. It already was." Virgil smirked as he stepped back towards the reactor he was working on. "That meant there wasn't anything left for the blood to 'kill' off. You were right, Ryzan. I practically already was a vampire." He chuckled hearing the growl that escaped her lips. "I just needed the blood to push the change over the edge. Thank you for that. My love couldn't do it himself so... you did it for him."

"Doesn't matter." Virgil took another step back watching as Ryzan started for him. "You won't survive enough to see him again." Virgil spun around as fast as he could hitting a button that sent alarms blaring through the room. A siren sending chills down his spin... Now he just had to get everyone out before it all blew up. "VIRGIL!" He jerked to the side just in time to avoid the knife and laughed as he kicked her back, watching her tumble only to land on one knee with this look of hate in her eyes. He'd have to kill her first. She's the kind of person that would blow herself up right along with the enemy if it meant they died.

"Guess well figure out if those lessons paid off, huh Ryzan."

"WHERE'S ROMULUS?!" Remus screamed out as he beat against the cell walls. The alarm set him and Janus spiraling over the loud incessant sound. "WHERE IS MY BROTHER?!" The hunters all laughed and shook their heads at Remus's freaking out. No one would answer him and he was starting to get overwhelmed. His intrusive thoughts began to take over making him imagine his brother dead right along with the Emo and he couldn't take it. He whimpered and pressed himself against the cell wall making Janus jump up and run over to him.

"Remus, it's ok. Breathe, hun." He reached through the silver running his hand through the elder's hair making Remus shiver. "It's going to be ok. I'm sure he's fine."

"You're damn right I am." The two jumped up just in time to see the first body fall, Roman standing there behind him holding the very heart he had just torn out of the man's chest. The last hunter just stood there in complete shock, face pale and everything, eying the vampire who just tossed the now unbeating heart to the floor with a smile. "Boo." The hunter tried to run only for Roman to catch him, looping his arm around the man's neck and pulling him back against his knee with such force, he snapped the spine.

"Romulus!" Remus cried out in shock only to pale seeing how Roman stumbled on his feet, shaking the haze out of his mind. "Roman, what's wrong?"

"Just... Just drained. Took too much blood." Roman mumbled as he made his way over to the cells, unlocking the doors only for Remus to slam into him. "Hey. Hey, It's ok."

"No, you dick twister. I thought you were dead!" Roman smiled softly letting himself relax into his brother's arms only for everything to break in him. He started sobbing before he could even stop himself making the other two sigh sadly. "R-Ro?"

"He's alive." He felt Remus tense as Roman buried himself into his bother shaking like mad. "He's alive, Remus."

"Roman... We heard the machine flatline." Roman tried to ignore the way his heart dropped at that. No. He KNEW Virgil was alive. He knew it.

"He's alive..."

"Ro-" Roman jumped back with a growl, eyes glowing brightly making his tears seem to glow. Remus flinched seeing so much pain in those eyes.

"I heard him. Remus, I heard him. Virgil is alive. I know he is." Remus only frowned more as Roman's hand went to his head with a wince. "I'm not crazy. I heard. I know I did. I swear. I'm not crazy."

"We heard the machine flatline..."

"He's not dead. He's not. Remus, I heard him!" Roman shivered endlessly as his eyes darted between the two with desperation. "He's alive. I..." He clenched his fists trying to ignore the way his entire body wanted to just give up on him. "I'm the one with the blood bond with him. I know ok? I have the bond." Roman's eyes glistened with emotion making the other two crash and smile a bit. Remus even giggled as he let himself believe his brother for once. After all, he wasn't wrong. Roman did have that bond. If anyone knew it would be him. "I can feel him. Please believe me."

"Virgin's alive?" Roman nodded with a relief filled laugh, his tears only falling harder. 

"We have to go find him."

"No, Roman, wait." Roman went to run out of the room only for this sharp spark of pain to run through him making him fall. "ROMAN!"

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