Unstoppable Duo

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Dedicated to monemp123 and adoreme112

" Nia has ruled her people for many years while holding onto power through ruthlessness and savvy. She does what she must to maintain her power, even when it puts her at odds with those closest to her." Said Lexa.

" She banished her own son." Chimed in Clarke.

Clarke and Lexa had managed to bring peace to their clans but they still faced a challenge from the Ice Nation who were not too pleased with the Skaikru joining the coalition. To them the Skaikru were and will always be outsiders.  People who fell from the sky.

" Exactly, she'll do anything to gain power. We need to take her out." Said Lexa nonchalantly.

" What do you mean take her out ? She is one of your people." Clarke questioned dumbfounded.

" Yes, she is, but she poses a problem and I won't have that. Now, I need you to carry out the assasination."

" If Nia is as ruthless as you say, why don't you send someone who is a skilled fighter."

Lexa flashed Clarke a genuine smile, Clarke loved when Lexa smiled and she was glad that she'd been doing that more often. Despite their initial differences at first, they'd grown closer over the many weeks that they'd spent time together.

"I trust you Clarke, you might not be a skilled fighter like my warriors but you can use your head pretty well. Nia knows you're not a skilled fighter so she'll let her guard down and——."

" And then what?" Clarke questioned anxiously. Lexa saw she was clearly troubled by the mission.

" You'll poison her Clarke, we grounders have different kinds of poison some that are hard to identify. I'll give you one of those and you'll use it on her.

Clarke only nodded praying that she may be able to pull it through.

" Now get some rest, tomorrow is going to be a long day." Lexa said while picking up one of Clarke's sketch books. Lexa was on the front page beautifully  drawn while asleep. " You're really talented Clarke. I've not seen anyone draw like this since Lincoln."

" Drawing calms me down sometimes." Clarke said.

Lexa stared at her for a moment, as if wanting to tell her something before deciding to leave Clarke's room without saying anything else.

Once Lexa was out of her room, Clarke began drawing the one face that she was too familiar with. She was anxious and the only way to calm herself down was by drawing Bellamy. She missed him so much and was sad that they ended things unpleasantly. She hoped that once the queen was dead she could finally go home and be with Bellamy if at all he still wanted her. She did break his heart, atleast that's what she thought.


" I have a proposition for you." Clarke said firmly to queen Nia trying her level best to hide the fear in her eyes. It would be stupid not to fear her wanheda. The commander's girlfriend was tortured and beheaded by her for information. Be careful. Indra had warned her.

" I'm listening wanheda. I must say it is stupid of you to come here. I could kill you and take your power right now." Queen Nia said to Clarke.

A cold chill ran down Clarke's spine but she managed to compose herself." My power means nothing to the proposition I have for you." She took a breath to observe the queen who was intenly looking at her." Lexa betrayed me once and nothing will stop her from betraying me again for her people."

" You sound the same to me. You killed a whole group of people to save yours."

"Yes, who were terrorizing grounders and skaikru alike but I did not go against my word. I think Lexa should pay for it. And I want you to help me. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Right?"

" My queen I don't trust her one bit. This could be one of their plans." Ontari, one of Nia's trusted warriors chimed in.

" Neither do I my sweet Ontari but lets give her a chance to explain herself more and if we don't like her plan then we can kill her and send her head to Lexa." Nia said flatly and they both laughed like it was nothing.

" I want to kill Lexa but I can't do it on my own and neither can you. She holds too much power but together we have a chance." Clarke said convicingly.

" I don't like you Clarke but I like your idea and I'm willing to give you a chance. Your people have guns and I have warriors. Together we can bring Lexa down." Nia said making Clarke sigh in relief.

" My queen I don't think we——," Ontari trying to say but was cut off by Nia.

" Bring the knife." Nia said to Ontari and them turned to Clarke." You know our ways by now wanheda."

" Yes, I do. We need to cut our palms and join bloods. A blood oath between my people and your people." Clarke said.

She took the knife from Ontari and cut her palm trying her level best not to flinch from the pain of cutting her skin. Before she could give the knife to Nia she wiped off her blood off the knife using her sleeve.

" Your turn, take it." Clarke said while giving the knife to Nia.

Ontari glanced at Clarke for a moment before attacking her after she became suspicious of her true intentions. She smelled her sleeve and found her suspicions to be right.

" My queen, just as I suspected, she has poison on her. I suggest we kill her right away and send her head to Lexa as a warning." Ontari said.

"No Ontari," Nia said furiously and turned to face Clarke." You and I could've been great allies, but for this treachery, we are now enemies."

Nia took Ontari's palm and cut it then she spilled the blood on Clarke's face as a message to Lexa. To Clarke's amusement, Ontari's blood was black.

" This poison can't be easily detected but Nia and her warriors are clever and they might not lay their guard down just necause you're not a skilled fighter. All you have to do id wipe off your blood on your sleevd and give the knife to Nia. Okay?" Lexa said to Clarke.

Clarke nodded afraid that if she speaks she' ll give away the fear that she felt. As if Lexa read her thoughts." Don't worry Clarke, you'll be alright."

They stared at each other for a moment and then suddenly Lexa pulled in Clarke for a kiss. Clarke didn't know how to react at first but soon enough she quickly reciprocated the kiss. Lexa's kiss wasn' t at all the same as Bellamy's but she could still feel her insides ignite. In that moment she felt Lexa's vulnerability as a human and nof just a commander. She liked the feeling of kissing her but the kiss ended as quickly as it had began.

" Good luck, Clarke.I believe in you." Lexa said with a smile leaving Clarke speechless wondering what just happened.

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