Closer To Home

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The muggy heat pressed in on them, even sweating was no good. It trickled down their necks and backs like warm soup. Hair clung to their heads like blankets, locking in the heat, frying their brains. It was high noon and the sun beat down with unrestrained brutality, a few withering trees cast patches of pathetic shade onto the baked ground.

"Will you please get me some water, I think I'm going to pass out from dehydration." Clarke said weakly.

" Don't try anything Wanheda. Just because Lexa sent me to get you doesn't mean I can't kill you." He warned while heading to the river.

Clarke scowled at the title," Just get me the water, please."

When Roan got to the river, Clarke decided to attack him from behind and tackled him to the water. He was twice her size but three months in the wild had toughened her up and she was positive she had a chance against him. She held his head under water until he fell still, thinking he was unconscious. But, Roan took this to his advantage and held Clarke's head under water until she stopped struggling. "If you try this again, I'm going to kill you Wanheda." Roan warned pulling Clarke's head back up from the water.

"Are you sure this is the right way, I mean, we've walked the whole night till now and there's no sign of Clarke anywhere." Finn growled.

" Just shut up Finn, Linc's a great tracker." Octavia said to Finn.

Bellamy scoffed at his sister," Yeah right, maybe......" Lincoln quickly cut him off and called for everyone to be quiet. " Do you hear those?" He said to them.

" What are they?" Wells questioned.

"War drums." Octavia responded earning surprised looks from her fellow sky people. She rolled her eyes at them. " Linc's been teaching me about grounders."

" Guys, Azgeda warriors are coming our way." Lincoln said to them.

" How do you know its Azgeda, aren't we close to trikru territory?" Bellamy asked Lincoln. " Yeah, I know stuff too." He said to his fellows as they stared at him too.

" The dead scouts, that's Azgeda uniform." Lincoln said pointing his finger at three dead scouts on the ground.

" Who could have..." Finn began but was quickly cut off by Lincoln.

" We better get the bodies off the field before the army arrives or we will be blamed for their deaths." Lincoln said pointing at a cave nearby for them to move the bodies and wait for the Azgeda warriors to pass.

As they moved the bodies towards the cave, Bellamy spotted Roan and Clarke far on the other side of the field and tried going after them but Wells spotted the incoming army advancing from another end of the field, separating them from Clarke.

" Bellamy, they'll see us. We can't go after them." Wells said to Bellamy pulling him towards the cave and away from the army.

Roan and Clarke walked across a vast field when they suddenly saw three Ice nation scouts drawing closer to where they were standing. " Get down." Roan ordered Clarke." And be quiet."

He should have known Clarke is not one to follow orders as she began screaming through her gag.

" Our deaths are on you Wanheda." Roan angryly tells her as he put a sack over her head.

" What's going on over here?" One of the scouts said to Roan as they approached them.

" I have Wanheda and I'm bringing her to our queen." Roan said to them.

" Take the sack off." The scout ordered Roan." We have to make sure its really her."

Once the sack was removed they verified it was indeed Wanheda and began discussing taking her for themselves.

As they discussed her fate, Clarke started running away from them with one of the scouts chasing after her while Roan fought and quickly dispatched the other two, grabbing a bow and arrow along the way. He shot the third scout in the back, causing him to collapse on top of Clarke.

As Roan goes to retrieve Clarke, she sneaks a weapon from the dead scout and stabbed him in the stomach with it but he quickly subdues her.

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