Wanheda 2

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Bellamy watched the river, lost in the rythmic percussion of the waves. His eyes steady to the horizon, face aglow with the last orange rays before twilight beckoned the stars. His lips bore the semblance of a smile, just enough to show that he was enjoying his thoughts whatever they may be. Octavia moved closer so that he felt her presence, yet stayed quiet, allowing  him to stay lost in the moment a while longer. Ever since Clarke left, Bellamy had spent most if not all his time by the river thinking about Clarke. He'd missed her and his heart yearned for her but couldn't do anything about it. Clarke left him, left all of them even after he pleaded with her not to leave, she still left.

" Bell, lets go back to camp now?" Octavia said pulling Bellamy away from his happy thoughts of Clarke.

" You go on ahead O, I'll be right behind you."  Bellamy said ignoring the hand Octavia was offering him.

" No, Im not leaving without you. Last time I did, you didn't come home. So get up." Octavia said sternly earning a glare from her brother.

"After you," Said Bellamy with a forced smile standing up taking his sister's hand in his.

" I wonder what the commander has to say tomorrow." Octavia said to her brother breaking the eerie silence between them.

" Stop calling her the commander  she's not your leader." Bellamy said disapprovingly.

" Still, she protects us from the other clans. I mean who would have thought grounders had clans."

Bellamy scoffed," We don't need her protection O, she just feels guilty after betraying Clarke and she's trying to atone for her mistake."

" Whatever, I'm glad she let Linc stay with us." Octavia said strolling ahead of her brother.

" He's here to spy on us," Bellamy said making Octavia turn with  furrowed eyebrows. " Come on O, after the way the grounders betrayed us, you still think we should trust them, just because what....you're inlove with one?"

" I trust Linc, he's been nothing but good to us. All I'm asking is for you to trust me, okay?" Octavia said tears threatening to fall. She hated that her brother wasn't approving of her relationship with Lincoln. She loved him and all she wanted was for her brother and Lincoln to get along.

It broke Bellamy's heart to see his sister like that but he despised the grounders after what they did to them. It was because of them they committed genocide. It was because of them Clarke left him and the rest of the sky people.

" I'm sorry O, I can't." Bellamy said and began leaving.

" Linc and I plan on leaving. Now that there is no threat from the mountain men, we want to go someplace else."

Bellamy stopped dead on his tracks. Im going to kill him before he takes my sister anywhere. He thought to himself as he turned to face his little sister who had all but grown. All his life, he'd done things for her sister the thought of her gone was terrifying. He didn't know life without Octavia in it.

" What about the other clans O?" Bellamy said almost a whisper.

" Linc's been training me, I'm good with the sword and trig, I can easily blend in."

Octavia had changed in the three months that she'd spent with Lincoln. She'd braided her hair, got tattoos on her arm and even began wearing grounder attires. Bellamy hadn't noticed because he was too wrapped up
with thoughts of Clarke. Her sister even looked stronger. She wasn't the sweet, naïve girl under the floor anymore. The thought of her sister growing and being less dependent on him scared him even more. I'm not losing my sister to some grounder.

"You're not going anywhere O." Bellamy said turning on his heels leaving Octavia frustrated.

" You can't make me stay here. I don't want to." Octavia cried out.

Bellarke-The 100:Book II🥰Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon