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The twilight melted away, allowing the majestic sunrise, red orange glow seep over the horizon as if the light itself was being poured from molten sun. Powerful rays flooded over the landscape lighting every blade of grass, shining from each leaf.

" I could never get tired of watching the sun rise." Jaha interrupted Wells' silence who stood on top of the gate patrolling.

" It's beautiful father. I'm glad we get the chance to see it everyday. Thanks to Clarke." Wells said averting his eyes from his father.

" I know you miss her son. I miss her too." Jaha comforted his son. Clarke was like a daughter to him and it pained him to know the act she committed just to get them there but also grateful for her strength and will to save her people.

" Why isn't she coming back?" Wells questioned more to himself. " We're her family and we're here. She needs to come home."

Jaha patted him reassuringly," And she will son. She will come home. Now, you need to go change, someone else will take over. The commander will be arriving soon."

Lexa arrived with her warriors beside her as always. She had no war paints this time and looked beautiful. If it weren't for the expressionless face that she always wore, you would think of her as a simple young girl and not the most feared and respected commander that she was. Jaha, Kane and Abby welcomed them into one of their cabins where foods and drinks were being served.

" So, what brings you to sky crew, commander?" Abby began. She didn't quiet like the commander but learned to tolerate her. After all, she did protect them from the other clans. Lexa took a sip of the moonshine furrowing her eyebrows to the taste of the strong alcohol.

" Where's Bellamy, Abby? And Clarke's other friends? I'd like them here." Lexa said ignoring Abby's question. " I'm sure they'd be interested in what I have to say."

" They're not particularly fond of you, commander,"

"And I don't need them to be. Now, I need them here." Lexa commanded.

Abby quickly ordered one of the guards to go call Bellamy and the rest of Clarke's friends.

"What is this drink? It burns. You should come to us. We have drinks of our own. Ones that are sweet. Lexa said genuinely earning surprised looks from sky crew. " I love what you've done with your camp. You've been here for a short while but you're progressing quite quickly and it's impressive."

" Thanks to you, ofcourse." Jaha said wholeheartedly. " I know Clarke's friends hate you but from one leader to the other, I understand."

" I appreciate your understanding." Lexa said while eyeing Bellamy, Octavia, Wells and the rest of Clarke's friends as they take position inside the cabin.

"What do you want?" Wells questioned earning a glare from his father and Kane.

"It's about Clarke." Lexa began. " She....
" What about her?" Bellamy inquired shifting uncomfortably where he stood.

" She's being hunted." Lexa frowned glancing at the crowd.

"Who's hunting her? The mountain men are all dead." Abby questioned, concern in her voice.

" In our culture, it is believed that, when you kill the one who has killed so many you gain their power. And Clarke is now referred to as wanheda, the......"

" Commander of death." Octavia translated. Her people stared at her with confused looks not deciphering what she just said. " Oh, Linc's been teaching me trig, wanheda means commander of death."

" I'm glad you're learning our language Octavia. You could be our middle man." Octavia beamed at the commander's comment. " Now, there's no need to be worried. I've already sent someone to go track her down. She'll be fine before they get to her."

"Who's hunting her? I thought you had your people under control commander." Finn said.

" I do, but not all clans like the idea of you being our allies, especially the Azgeda clan. And they have the right to challenge me." Lexa explained.

" If Clarke's in trouble, we have to find her. We're her people not you." Bellamy said angrily.

" You'll do no such thing. I'll find her and I'll protect her. That's the least I can do after betraying all of you." Lexa said remorsefully. Bellamy swore for a moment her face showed the guilt she carried with her. "Azgedakru are not to be trifled with. They are very dangerous."

Lexa stood up from where she was sitting," Thank you for your kindness sky people. Ill leave now." She motioned for Lincoln to follow her outside.

Bellarke-The 100:Book II🥰Where stories live. Discover now