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" The first commander was a natblida or nightblood as you would say. She came from the skies after praimfaya. She saved our people back then and was treated like a god. I really don't know why nightblood is rare amongst my people but whoever is born with it, competes in a conclave and the winner becomes the commander." Lexa explained to a confused Clarke.

" Have the commanders always been women?" Clarke pestered her with more questions.

" Mostly yes, but we've had men too." Lexa said inching closer to Clarke and holding her hands." I would have lost you today, I'm sorry Clarke." Lexa said softly almost a whisper.

" No Lexa, it had to be done. You said so yourself, unfortunately that Ontari figured it out. We need to find another way to take her out before she comes for us."

Lexa scoffed," She knows better than to come for me but she' ll be on high alert right now."

" So what do we do now?" Clarke questioned Lexa who was now so close to her making her heart pound faster. There was something about Lexa that she couldn't quite figure out. As if knowing what she wanted Lexa pulled her closer and began kissing her making Clarke feel a desire run from her heart, to her chest and down towards her inner thighs.
Clarke let the feeling drown her, she needed this, she kept telling herself. She wanted to feel something.

Nothing major had happened ever since queen Nia declared war on the commander. Clarke and Lexa both assumed that Nia was too scared to attack Lexa until when an explosion occured at both Mount Weather and the Skaikru camp killing both Skaikru and the grounders that were at the area.

Clarke was still in Polis when the explosion happened. Things had been going great between her and Lexa. She was in her room drawing Bellamy, she missed him so much and drawing him made her feel better. She longed to see him and had planned to go visit him at camp when Indra knocked at her door.

" There have been an explosion at your camp and Mount Weather  Clarke." Indra said to her non-chalantly like it meant nothing. " the commander is going to your camp right now, she's asked me to get you."

Clarke's blood pounded in her ears. Her heart thudded in her chest. Her hands shook. Her feet tingled. Her vision disfigured, as if  she were looking through a fish-eye lens. "Bellamy." She whispered before quickly running out of her room with Indra trailing behind her. Lexa was already on her horse waiting for her to arrive.

" Lexa," Clarke called her while panting hard." My people, —–"

Lexa cut her off before she could finish her sentence," Our people Clarke, they are my people as much as they are yours. Get on your horse, we're going to camp first."


There was heavy smoke and confusion in the Skaikru camp. Everywhere people were crying for help. All Clarke could think of was Bellamy.

" Clarke you go on ahead and look for your mom. I'll find my brother." Octavia said to Clarke. Clarke only nodded and guilt rushed through her. She'd only thought of Bellamy and not Wells or her mother at this moment.

"You go on ahead and find your mother. My warriors and I will get to the bottom of this. I promise." Lexa said to Clarke and gave her a quick hug before trailing off with her warriors.

Clarke managed to find her mother who was busy helping people and was glad to find her unscathed from the bombing. Throughout the day all they did was help the wounded and burn the dead. There was no sign of Bellamy anywhere. Finn had died in the explosion and Wells was wounded but doing okay.

" Octavia," Clarke called with relief. " Bellamy, where is he? Did you find him?"

" Relax, I did. He was at Mount Weather helping people. He'll be here soon with Lincoln." Octavia said to her. " Raven, Monty and Jasper are fine too, thanks to Monty and his obsession with algae." Clarke nodded in agreement.

"My dear people," Lexa called to them from a platform getting everyone's attention. She looks so powerful. Clarke thought to herself and smiled knowing that she's one of the few people who get to see the other side of her.
" There have been an attack on you by the Ice Nation queen, an attack on you is an attack on me and I promise, Nia will answer for her crimes. I'll leave my warriors here, they'll help you set up camp for tonight. Jus drein, jus daun."
They all began chanting together the mantra. Jus drein, jus daun.

They'd managed to set camp further from the bombing site, thanks to the warriors that Lexa left. Clarke opted to remain with her people, and she really wanted to see Bellamy whom she hadn't met due to all the chaos.

" Next time don't scare me like this, when I saw you lying in that pool of blood, I didn't know what to do." Clarke said to Wells who was lying in a makeshift bed.

" Hey, don't worry, I'm okay." Wells reassured her.

Clarke chuckled," Yeah, with a concussion and two broken ribs."

"Really Griffin, I'll be fine. The Ice nation, they have to pay Clarke. We lost Finn, he was my friend and a good person," Wells spoke sadly but with determination in his voice for revenge.

" And they will, I promise you."

"So seen Bellamy yet ?" Wells quickly changed the subject. Clarke always liked that about her bestfriend.

" No, not yet. I'm scared Wells. What if he doesn't want to see me after what I did to him." Clarke said frowning her eyebrows.

" The only thing you did was save us from a life of war and he'd be crazy not to see that which he isn't." Wells reassured her.

" I slept with Lexa." Clarke blurted out. Wells only stared at her like she said something in a foreign language making Clarke uncomfortable. " Say something please."

" You love her?" Wells managed to say.

" I don't know Wells. I mean she's great and everything...." Clarke trailed off.

" But you still love Bellamy. Right?" Wells said. Clarke only nodded.

" It has always been him Griffin. You should talk to him. You guys love each other so much. I mean we all see it, sometimes we wonder what you see in him." Wells joked making them both laugh.

" Okay, you should rest. I'll go out now. I'll see you later." Clarke said to him while giving him a hug and promising to check on him soon.

Clarke got out of the tent only to meet the one person she'd been longing to see the whole day. Without thinking, she quickly jumped on him and hugged him tight like it was the last time she'd ever hug him. " I'm glad you're okay," Clarke whispered in his ear.

Bellarke-The 100:Book II🥰Where stories live. Discover now