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The second praimfaya as the grounders called it obliterated everything on its way. Six years had passed since the praimfaya. Everywhere turned out into a wasteland except one place where Clarke called it Eden. It was the only green place. It was her new home. ''You're still at it again? You promised we'd dye our hair today.'' Madi said to Clarke who was busy trying to contact Bellamy through her radio. She couldn't understand why they weren't back by now. She missed them so much but was thankful for having Madi. ''Okay baby, let's go.'' Clarke said to Madi smiling. This little girl was her whole life now.

Clarke saw her friends leave from the tower. She knew they had to or they would all die. She prayed to the heavens that Murphy found a way to make Bellamy go with them. The fire came in hot and Clarke knew she would die. She was ready for her death after all the lives she took she was finally paying the price. She waited for her death but it never came. All she felt was excruciating pain from the burns she got from the radiation but she didn't die even though she wished she did. After praimfaya had passed, Clarke spent days in the bunker, tending to her wounds. Once she regained her strength, the first place she went to was Polis. She was heartbroken when she found that the tower had fallen and blocked the way to the bunker. She cried her eyes out. Now she was truly alone.

''Clarke, you're zoning out again. What are you thinking of this time?'' Madi questioned Clarke. It was always like this, she'd drift away and start thinking about her other friends and about how she suffered before Madi. ''I just miss them Madi. My mother, Bell, O,Wells, all of them.'' Clarke said trying to hide the sadness in her voice. ''Don't worry Clarke, we'll see them soon.'' Madi assured her.

Being the only people on the ground, they had all the time to do different activities. They spent most their days trying to remove the debris leading to the second dawn entrance and Clarke teaching Madi how to use guns. It always reminded her of Bellamy because he taught her how to use them. During the night Clarke would tell her stories about her friends and after Madi had slept Clarke would try to communicate with her friends on the ark through the radio. It had been their life for the past six years.

After days of finding any habitable land Clarke lost her will to live and wanted to kill herself untill she had a bird's chirp sound. The sound was like music in her ears. She followed the bird to the only green patch of land. After days of searching, finally she saw signs of life. That's where she met Madi. She was hostile towards her at first but eventually Clarke gained her trust. She couldn't understand how the place survived praimfaya but she was glad it did and she came to know Madi was also a natblida just like her now. Their bloods helped them survive the radiation.

Clarke and Madi looked up at the blanket of stars that stretched to infinity. The pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky. Every night was the same for them. They eat and light a fire then stare at the sky. ''I can't wait to meet them.'' Madi began. ''Me too baby.'' Clarke spoke quietly. ''Tell me about them again.'' Madi begged. Clarke chuckled. She'd told her all the stories in the six years that they'd been together. She'd drawn all of them and even taught Madi how to draw. It made Clarke happy whenever Madi asked about her friends. In a way, it reminded her that they weren't completely alone in the world.


Bellamy sat at his usual spot staring down on the dead earth. He was beyond broken. The only thing that kept him going was his sister who was always there for him. He blamed himself for the loss of Clarke. He had hated Murphy for what he did to him but he eventually forgave him after Murphy continuosly explained to him that he only fulfilled Clarke's wishes of keeping him safe. ''I miss her too everyday. She was like a sister to me.'' Octavia said to Bellamy who was still on his usual spot staring at the earth. ''We left her O,we left her to die.'' Bellamy said his voice breaking. Octavia didn't know what to say to that. They did leave her behind but if they hadn't they too would probably have died that day. If Clarke had been in their position she'd probably do the same thing.

''Guys Raven needs us in the control room.'' Lincoln said to the Blakes. ''You guys go on without me.'' Bellamy said lazily. ''Raven wants everyone present. She said it's important.'' Lincoln insisted. ''Fine, we'll be there.'' Octavia said with a polite smile.

''Raven, what's wrong?'' Murphy asked with a scowl. Raven rarely called them to the control room where she spends most of her days. ''Well, for the past weeks I've been receiving frequencies from earth. I couldn't really understand or decipher them and I'm guessing it's because of the radiation that had blanketed over the earth.'' Raven explained. ''Raven get to the point.'' Octavia said already irritated with the explanations. Raven threw her a death glare which Octavia returned with an eye roll. ''Last night I finally got to listen to the messages and..... ''Oh please Raven, just spit it out.'' Murphy shouted angrily. It irritated them that she wasn't sharing the information quickly. ''The messages are from Clarke.'' Raven finally said. They all turned to Bellamy who had not really been paying attention throughout the conversation until when Clarke's name popped up.

Octavia was the first to break the silence that had suddenly filled the room. ''What-what-Raven--?'' She stuttered, not knowing what to say. ''It's what I thought too O, but I think Clarke's alive. There are messages from six years ago. My guess is the radiation has cleared from earth and that is why the messages are coming through now.'' Raven said. ''Well, let's listen to them.'' Murphy said cheerfully. He was happy Clarke was alive. ''We can't'' Raven said quickly. ''Why?'' Murphy whined. ''They're all directed to Bellamy. I think it'll be best if he listens to them alone.'' Raven said while watching Bellamy who sat on his seat frozen probably from the shock of knowing Clarke has been alive all these years. ''Well at least let's send her a message so she knows we're alive.'' Octavia suggested. ''Yeah, I tried that last night. It's impossible.'' Raven said sadly.

''Guys, I think it's best if we give Bellamy some time alone.'' Lincoln suggested and they all left the control room. Once everyone was out Bellamy began listening to the messages. Relief coursed through his veins after hearing Clarke mentioning his name. For the first time in years he felt alive. Then guilt followed right after. The thought of Clarke being alone for six year ate him alive.


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