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Clarke's arms ached, no matter how she moved them, they still hurt and were impossibly numb. She was exhausted. " If you scream this time, we'll both be dead." Roan said to her while heating his blade over the fire.

" If you'd stabbed me an inch deeper I would have been dead by now, maybe you're not the commander of death after all." Roan mocked her while taking off his shirt to treat his wound, revealing impressive scars across his back.

"Why are you hiding from your people." Clarke questioned him with curiousity.

" Why did you run from yours?" Roan questioned her groaning in pain as he cauterized the wound on his side. He walked over to Clarke with his heated blade." The Great Wanheda, Mountain Slayer." Clarke ignored his question.

" Why are you taking me to the Ice Nation when you're not even loyal to them, and my people will offer more if you take me to them." Clarke said.

" I was banished and you're my way back to my people." Said Roan.

"If the queen gets Clarke first, she will die and we'll be at war." Lincoln said to the group.

" But Lexa said she'd send someone to get her." Monty argued." What happened?"

"I don't know okay, but that man was Azgeda." Lincoln said wiping sweat off his temple." There's no way the commander would send an Azgeda to get Clarke."

" The more reason to go out there and get her." Bellamy said almost frantically.

"We're stuck Bellamy, we have to wait for the army to clear out." Finn said to him.

" Hey Bell,we're worried too but we can't risk going out there. The Ice nation army is out there and we're the last people they'd want to see right now." Octavia said to her brother holding his hand in hers. Bellamy nodded to his sister. He was glad she came along.

" Plus we have their dead people." Finn reminded the group.

The group fell into conversation giving Bellamy the chance to slip into one of the dead scout's uniform and leave the cave unnoticed.


Bellamy made his way across the field full of Azgeda warriors in the direction he saw Clarke last, dressed as one of the dead scouts. He arrived at the subway station and found Clarke tied up. After seeing Clarke, Bellamy let the happiness soak right into his bones. He wanted the feeling to last forever. For the first time in forever his body and mind relaxed.
" Clarke." He whispered scared of chasing her away. This seemed like a dream come true to him. " You're okay."

Clarke smiled at him for a brief moment before her eyes filled with horror as Roan pinned him to the ground ready to kill him.

" Noo, please don't kill him, please don't...l..l'll do everything you say. I'll stop fighting. Please, just don't kill him." Clarke pleaded hysterically. She closed her eyes and prayed to the gods she read so much about in history books. Clarke's eyes opened wide after hearing Bellamy scream in agony.

" You stabbed him you sick son of a bitch." Clarke screamed at Roan.

" Don't worry Wanheda. He' ll live. I don't want him following us." Roan said to Clarke while untying her.

" I'm going to kill you." Clarke yelled furiously.

" Move," Roan pushed Clarke forward, ushering her to exit the station.

" No, please, we can't leave him like this. Atleast let me...."

" Its either we leave him like this, or I end his misery. Your choice, Wanheda." Roan said nonchalantly.

Clarke took one last look at Bellamy as he writhed in pain on the ground and mouthed I'm sorry before leaving the station with Roan.

Bellarke-The 100:Book II🥰Where stories live. Discover now