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Clarke's hand move over the canvas, almost as if her mind is directing it without her, odd perhaps, but that's the way it is. Her hand moves instinctively to the right spot, building a new picture, often one she's too familiar with. Whenever she draws Bellamy, she feels closest to him and it gives her a peace and mental calmness she cannot find anywhere else.

It had been three months since she last saw Bellamy and her family. Her heart yearned for them but whenever the slightest idea of going home creeps into her mind, regret washes over her like the long slow waves on a shallow beach. Each wave was icy cold and sent shivers down her spine. The remorse would eat at her everyday of her life. She envied the pebbles, hard and lifeless, unable to feel the torments of life.

She remembered her mother who had once told her regrets were moral residue. Like something hard to remove got stuck on you when you did something against your better judgement. She never understood it until when she committed genocide, now the residue seems impossible to remove, like an indelible stain on her cerebral cortex.

Her grim thoughts were interrupted by rustling of the leaves and approaching footsteps. She quickly aimed her gun where the sound was coming from.

"Stop or I'll shoot," Clarke warned.  Infront of her stood a man somewhat too tall for his built; were he a few inches shorter he would be all the more handsome for it. His face was mostly obscured by marks. He met Clarke's gaze with a blunt refusal to avert his gaze first.

" I mean no harm wanheda." The man said politely contrary to his facial expressions.

" My name's Clarke, you got the wrong girl." Clarke warned, finger on the trigger ready to shoot.

The man smiled mockingly at her, " You are the girl who killed all the mountain men, to the grounders you are wanheda. Now as I said earlier, I mean no harm and I come in peace. Put your weapon down."

" What do you want?" Clarke questioned gun still aimed at him.

" The commander demands for your presence in Polis. She's ordered me to bring you to her. Your life is in danger wanheda."

" I can take care of myself. And she's not my commander, she can go float herself for all I care."

"Well, the commander was right. You arent going to come willingly now. Are you?" The man said, slowly moving closer towards Clarke.

" Im going to shoot you if you take one more step." Clarke threatened but before she could comprehend her next movement, she felt a sharp pain on her neck and darkness followed her. Maybe this is death. She thought as darkness engulfed her mind.

The second book is here. So excited💃🏿. First book- Bellarke-the 100🥰

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