Getting To It

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" I'm going back to Polis. Something has been bugging me that I have to ask her about." Clarke said to Wells. " One of the qualities of being a commander is having nightblood." Wells raised an eyebrow at her clearly lost. " Their blood is black instead of red Wells."

" What?!" Wells questioned, his eyes out wide.

" Exactly my question. Grounders don't know why but it had to do with their first commander who apparently fell from the sky. Sound familiar?"

" The ark." Wells said earning a nod from Clarke. " Exactly, according to Lexa's explanations, it appears to be recessive. I need to study her blood."

" What about Bellamy" Wells questioned softly, afraid that Clarke will snap at him.

" There's nothing to talk about Wells. He's with Echo now. Seems like we both moved on from each other." Clarke said averting her gaze away from her bestfriend but Wells could hear the pain in her voice.

" Okay Griffin, once I'm fully healed, I'll come pay you a visit in Polis."

"Yeah you better." Clarke said while hugging him.

" Hey Clarke, the horses are ready" Octavia said." Oh hi Wells, glad you're awake now. Sorry didn't come sooner. Strict orders from the doctor not to disturb you."

" Hey," Clarke protested making Wells and Octavia giggle.

" C'mon, Clarke and see you around Wells. Make sure you come to Polis." Octavia said while already leaving making Wells shout." I will."


Losing Finn made Raven lose it. She didn't know what to do now that Finn is gone. He was her family, one person that truly loved her without expecting anything in return. They were there for each other and now he was no more. She sat in her workshop which hadn't been bombed, removed away from the world when suddenly something clicked in her mind. She quickly stood up and ran outside in search of Clarke.

" Hey slow down," Murphy said to Raven. She'd been running without really looking where she's heading. " Everything okay?"

" I need Clarke, I think I know who bombed Mount weather and our camp." Raven said in between breaths.

" Yeah, we all know it, it was Nia." Emori said. She was a grounder that had come to live with Skaikru and even managed to get into Murphy's good sides making his friends tease him of falling inlove with her though he always denied it.

" Yes, but who performed the act?" Raven questioned.

Emori and Murphy both stared at each other and then at Raven again waiting for her to spill what she knew.

" It was Echo, I'm sure of it. Before the bombings, she spent most of her time with me in the workshop and kept asking about the weapons. Oh my God!" Raven gasped at the realization that she might have enabled Echo bomb their camp killing Finn in the process.

" Hey deep breaths, okay. We need to find Bellamy first and tell him before going to Clarke." Murphy said to Raven and Emori. " And if its Echo, then she'll pay for this." Added Murphy through gritted teeth.


Bellarke-The 100:Book II🥰حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن