Eden 2

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''It's weird how these same stars greeted the ancestors, and now us and they would be here for millions of years to come.'' Madi said to Clarke. They sat at their usual position where they'd observe the stars. Somewhere in the starry night was Bellamy who breathed in artificial air. Clarke held her hand up to the sky as if to feel his life energy in her fingers, her love. ''What are you doing?'' Madi narrowed her eyes at Clarke. Clarke laughed at her question, she was sure she looked like crazy with her hand held up. ''Oh, Clarke, a shooting star.'' Madi squealed. ''That's not a shooting star Madi.'' Clarke said quickly and rushed for her M24 to help her see properly. ''It's a pod Madi.'' Clarke said not believing what she's actually seeing. ''Oh, Clarke, it's your friends, they're coming back.''

It had been hours ever since the pod fell from the sky. Clarke and Madi had been following to where it had fallen. Throughout the way Clarke prayed that they were fine. They came in real fast and they're probably injured pretty bad. ''I'm sure they're fine Clarke.'' Madi reassured her. Clarke was really thankful for her. She always knew what to say and when to say it.

They arrived at the pod early in the morning. Clarke was right, they were hurt but not all of them because Octavia thrust herself to her and they both fell to the ground. They'd fallen to the ground pretty hard and Clarke knew she'd feel the pain later but at that moment she didn't care. She only hugged Octavia tighter. ''Clarke, I can't believe it, you're really here.'' Octavia said in between sobs. ''Bellamy, where's he?'' Clarke asked already panicking. ''He's fine, dont worry.'' Octavia said quickly. '' After we landed he left to go search for you, he's with Lincoln and Emori. Is that your daughter?'' Octavia said cupping her cheeks. ''Please don't tell me you and Bellamy have a child now.''

Before Clarke could answer, a groan escaped from the pod drawing their attention. ''Oh, I totally forgot about them.'' Octavia said guiltly rushing inside the pod. ''Guys, the doctor is finally here.'' Octavia shouted. ''Please shut the fuck up O.'' Murphy groaned. Clarke entered the pod and found Raven and Murphy bleeding. They must have knocked their heads pretty hard. She thought to herself. ''Hi Clarke.'' Echo said quietly. She was holding Raven who had lost consciousness. ''Hi Echo.'' Clarke said with a smile. ''We need to go to our home, that's where I can treat your wounds properly.''

''But Clarke if Bell comes back, he won't find us'' Madi whined making Octavia stare at her. ''I know Madi but we need to help Raven and Murphy first, Bell can take care of himself.'' Clarke explained. ''Don't worry little one, we can communicate with them using these.'' Octavia said to Madi showing her a radio.

''Bell, it's O,'' Octavia said. Clarke held her breathe knowing that she was going to hear Bellamy's voice. ''Yeah I know, what is it? Everything okay?'' Bellamy said almost angrily at her sister. He'd been angry ever since he knew Clarke was alive. The moment their pod crashed he'd told them he's going after her with the excuse that they needed her because she's a doctor.

''Calm down,'' Octavia replied angrily too. Clarke only stared not quiet grasping what is going on between the siblings. ''Clarke's here, Bell.'' There was silence on the other end for what felt like eons to Clarke before Bellamy spoke again. ''We're coming back then.'' ''Bell don't.'' Clarke finally spoke. ''Find the only green land, it should be on the east side from where your pod fell. We'll meet you there.'' ''We've only been here for hours and you're already barking out orders princess.'' Bellamy said through the radio and even though they couldn't see each other Octavia and Clarke knew he was smiling on the other side.

They reached Eden in the late afternoon. It was a long and difficult journey because they had to carry Raven who was still uncounscious and drag Murphy who was in pain. Clarke wished she'd told Bellamy, Lincoln and Emori to come back to the pod. When they reached Eden, Bellamy, Lincoln and Emori hadn't arrived and Clarke was glad atleast that way she could focus on Murphy and Raven. ''You built all these houses Clarke?'' Octavia questioned in awe. ''Six years is a long time.'' Clarke replied making Octavia's face drop in sadness. ''It's okay O, I had Madi.''

''Who is Madi by the way?'' Octavia questioned while helping Clarke treat Raven and Murphy who passed out from the pain but thankfully they were both stable and Clarke expected them to wake up soon. ''She is girl I met after praimfaya. She's a nightblood like me. We've been together ever since.'' Clarke replied. ''For a moment, I thought she was actually Bell's daughter. It would've been wild.'' Octavia chuckled. ''I'm glad you had her and she already likes Bell. I'm betting you told her everything about him.'' ''I told her about everyone. She knows all of you. Why aren't they back yet?'' Clarke wondered more to herself. ''Who, Madi and Echo or----? Octavia began but was cut off by Bellamy's presence in the room. ''Clarke,'' was all he said before he felt her in his arms. Clarke had thrown herself at him and hugged him tight for dear life. If Bellamy was not prepared for the hug like the way Clarke wasn't prepared for Octavia's hug then they'd both be on the ground. Octavia cleared her throat and excused herself.

''I missed you so much.'' Clarke said with teary eyes she didn't even let Bellamy speak, instead she pulled him closer and began kissing him. She kissed him like crazy, like her life depended on it and he kissed her back. His tongue slipped inside her mouth, gentle but demanding. Every inch of her body dissolved into his. Her fingers gripped his hair which was longer than Clarke remembered, pulling him closer. He smells so good. Clarke thought to herself. All she wanted to do was breath him, lick him, eat him, drink him. She could feel the slightest bit of stubble and it rubbed her skin but she didn't care at all. He felt wonderful to her. His hands were everywhere, and it doesn't matter that his mouth was already on top of hers, Clarke wanted him closer and closer. Unfortunately, their passion was cut short by Madi who screamed after seeing them kissing.

They all sat outside after they'd eaten the food that Echo and Madi brought. Even Raven and Murphy joined them though they were still weak from their wounds. They explained to Clarke the reason it took them so long to return and they apologized for leaving her behind and finally they thanked her for saving their lives, again. It was because of her they managed to live in the ark all those years. Clarke told them about Madi and how she helped her through her worst moments in life. Madi had fallen asleep early that day and was sleeping in Bellamy's arms. It was weird how she quickly connected with Bellamy but Clarke was happy she did. ''Madi and I couldn't get all the debris from the entrance to the second dawn bunker. Now that you guys are back, it should be easier.'' Clarke told the group. They all agreed they'd start the next morning. They all had friends in the bunker and were eager to see them again.


Clarke waited for this moment for six years. The moment where she could have Bellamy to herself again. She felt complete, the other piece of her that was missing was finally here. She lost her mind into the kiss, gave it up willingly. They continued where they left off after Madi had interrupted them. Everyone had gone to rest ready for the next day, but Clarke felt it was her and him and it had been so long since she'd been touched like this by him. Her blood pounded in her veins as she rose up on tiptoe to meet him more than halfway.

Bellamy devoured her mouth and found her as hungry for him as he was for her. Unreserved fire and passion met him. His tongue plunged between her lips, and tasted her. His hands drove into all of that blonde hair, grabbing handfuls of it and crushing her mouth to his as her fingers slid into his hair to pull his mouth down against hers. Her body seemed to melt against his. Clarke could feel him hardening sending shivers to her core. She wanted him to take her right away and she pleaded, moaning his name in between kisses. It has been years ever since Clarke slept blissfully like that night. She thanked the heavens for bringing her love back from the skies.

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