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" What do you mean Echo might be responsible?" Bellamy questioned. He was angry at Echo because of the way she acted infront of Clarke but he still couldn't believe that Echo would be responsible for his people's deaths.

" I know its her Bellamy, where is she right now, uh?" Questioned Raven who was angry at herself and Bellamy for not believing that Echo could've been responsible for the bombing.

" I dont know... she and I got into a fight and she left. I think she went back to the Ice Nation." Bellamy said.

" I know for sure its her Bellamy. We need to tell Clarke about this. We have to go to Polis. Lexa is holding a meeting with the ambassadors of the clans. If we leave now, we'll be able to arrive there tomorrow before the meeting begins." Raven said pacing to and fro.

" Relax Raven, you're making us nervous." Murphy said to her," We better go now if we want to be in Polis by tomorrow morning."

" Fuck, I cant believe I slept with her." Bellamy said angrily.

" Easy now there buddy." Murphy chuckled." You seem to have a type if you ask me." He said referring to Clarke.

" Oh shut up Murphy." Both Bellamy and Emori said in unison.


Nia had been arrested and brought in before Lexa and the 13 clan ambassadors to answer for the orchestrated attack on their people at mount weather and the Skaikru camp. Azgeda warriors were there with her to ensure her safety including Ontari and Echo.

At the meeting Indra informed Nia that she would be put to death for her actions at mount weather and the Skaikru camp and asked her if she had anything to say in her defence.

" I dont need one," Nia said confidently." I declare a vote of no confidence in Lexa."

Various murmers erupted amongst the ambassadors with some even standing up in support of Nia.

" Your petition will fail Nia," Clarke began." You do not have the unanimous support of all the clans."

" And why is that wanheda. I seem to recall that——" Nia stopped speaking and turned her eyes to the door where Bellamy, Raven, Murphy and Emori entered. " What are they doing here?"

" Skaikru took the brand, they are the 13th clan Nia. And they want you dead for what you did to their people." Indra said.

"I know what you want Nia so go ahead and issue a challenge." Lexa spoke for the first time from her commander's seat making noise erupt in the hall. " Silence!" She ordered them and quickly the noises stopped.

" I challenge you to a fight to the death and my son Roan will fight for me" Nia declared to the people in the hall and Lexa confidently accepted the challenge even though Indra protested and offered to fight in her place.

Clarke's attention had been divided ever since Bellamy walked in. So many questions were in her mind. Why are they here? Why is Bellamy not with Echo? Maybe he finally realized his mistake and he's here to tell me.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Lexa accepting the challenge making the meeting come to an end.

Bellarke-The 100:Book II🥰Where stories live. Discover now