Chapter 21

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Jay: wait Erin I have an idea, invite her in and I will call hank and tell him she's here.
Erin: Babe that's a great idea.

Erin: Bunny..
Bunny: hey baby.
Erin: what are you doing here.
Bunny: I just wanted to come give my granddaughter her Christmas present.
Erin: come inside it's cold out.
Bunny: where's toy soldier at.
Erin: Jay is getting our luggage out the car. Have a seat in the front room, I'm going lay my daughter down.

Jay walks inside with the luggage.

Jay: Bunny..
Bunny: jay, how are you?
Jay: I'm good: how about you?
Bunny: I'm good.
Erin: so where have you been?
Bunny: what is this, 21 questions?
Erin: no I just want to know where the hell have you been. Since you know you dropped off the face of the earth after kidnapping my daughter.
Bunny: if your going to accuse me of something I will just leave.
Erin: how could you do it? Why my daughter of all people?
Bunny: I didn't do anything.
Erin: our daughter remembers you, we have you on camera at her school with Landon. He admitted to you helping as well. Don't get me started on the fact that you left out my daughter get thrown out of a car. Then you also left her with drugs in her system enough to kill her. Did you really think I was gonna let you fucking near her. Your high right now, you are so unbelievable. You will never meet her.😡
Bunny: why would invite me in here then?
Hank: to give me enough time to get here.

Bunny's stomach just dropped, she was not expecting Hank at all.

Bunny: this is just a plot to get Erin away from me.
Hank: you did that yourself, but this time you really fucked up when you bring my granddaughter into it. Barbara fletcher you are under arrest for the kidnapping of Addison Lindsay Halstead, as well as being an accomplice in child endangerment. Officers bring her to the 21st district and tell Sergeant Platt to put her in the cage.
Erin: it's finally almost over, we just gotta get Charlie.
Hank:  We got Charlie a couple of days ago. Before me an al drove to Wisconsin we got a tip of where he might be. He went for a gun...
Erin: so it over.
Hank: yea, your free from those demons.
Jay: a Christmas Miracle.
Erin: Oh,definitely!
Jay: So, that means no more considering leaving right.
Erin: Babe Im home for good. Just in time for a new year.

One day, Oh definitely Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin