Chapter 38

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Today Hank was flying was flying back to Chicago with the kids, and jay and Erin were flying off to enjoy their honeymoon. Jay still hadn't told Erin where they were headed but she would soon find out. They all headed to the airport, Erin kissed the kids bye and thanked Hank for watching them. Jay did the same thing, then they split jay and Erin went to the gate and Hank and the kids went to theirs.

Erin: can you tell me where we are going?
Jay: We're going to the Maldives, it's really gorgeous there just like my wife.
Erin: Flattery will get you everywhere, especially this weekend.
Jay: ❤️.

The flight took them 25 hours to get to the Maldives. Jay and Erin slept most of the flight, so when they arrived they was still jet lagged. They spent the first day on the island sleeping in, the second day they explored the island. The third day they spent in bed neither of them moved and inch. They graced every surface of their villa with a game of scrabble. Day 4 they jay took Erin deep sea diving, day 5 they jay knew a guy who was able to get them a boat. So they spent 2 days on the water. Their time in the country was coming to and end so they spent quality time together for the rest of the trip. 

After their honeymoon they headed back to Chicago. They still had 1 day off before they had to returned.

The day they returned....

Platt: Ahh Princess and the frog has returned.
Erin:😂 Come one Trudy.
Jay: I literally married your favorite person, when will you like me.
Platt: You got one thing right Erin is my favorite, I do like you, your the first one that really brought happiness to my girl. So I will now dub you Detective Jay, or Detective chuckles. Now head up they have a case.

They walk upstairs for the first time in almost 2 weeks, when the reach the top of the stairs the unit turns a looks at them. Everyone hugged each other, and talked for a little bit. Hank came out of his office and welcomed them back, he gave a quick update on the kids and then caught them up on the case. The case went by pretty quickly, the team wanted to catch up with a night at Molly's but jay and Erin settled for a night in with the kids.

6 months later....

James is now 7 months old, he's growing up so fast, he's able to sit up on his own, and he close to saying mama. Addison is doing great in school, she really loves it. She is such an amazing big sister as well, every time James cry she's the first to go check on him, and now she's tries to feed him. These last 6 months have been truly amazing.

5 years later

Addison is now 10 years old and in the 4th grade. She's so smart, she on a 6 month streak of student of the month. She's playing sports now, she's big on soccer and baseball.

James just turned 5 years old, he in kindergarten. He's very funny, and like to use his charm to win everyone over. He's definitely Jay's son.

That's brings me to the happy couple that just celebrated their 5 year anniversary. During the last five years they have had their share of fights but it was nothing they could overcome. They are now preparing for another baby girl, they will name her Rose Penelope Halstead.

Adam and Kim finally got their shit together and Adam put a ring on it. They've been married for 3 years now with 1 son. Kim is also expecting a baby girl, and she will be name Christina Mila Ruzek.

Atwater also found love, he and his partner Vanessa have been dating for 3 years. He wants to pop the question on Christmas Day.

Antonio started dating Brett again, and they are going very strong. Hank still runs Intelligence but he has been talking about stepping down so he could enjoy his grandkids.

Jay: who would've thought we would actually get out one day. I'm so happy you came back into my life.
Erin: I am too. Maybe one day we retire in Wisconsin.
Jay: oh definitely!!

The end!

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