Chapter 17

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Jay: Babe you don't mean that do you🥺🥺.
Erin: Jay you don't get for the last 5 years I didn't have to look over my shoulder or watch out for people from my past. We haven't been Chicago that long and already Bunny has attacked my family. I should've stay.
Jay: Er.. you do t mean that.🥺🥺
Erin: don't get me wrong jay, I love you so much, but when it comes to our daughter I will put her first every time. Being back in Chicago out a target on my back, her back, and your back. I can't keep doing this jay.
Jay: let me talk to Hank, baby just please don't make a decision without me.

Jay: Hank, who was in the car.
Hank: Landon, but he was alone and that means bunny is still out there. Hank we gotta find Bunny and Charlie, Erin wants to go back to New York. I can't lose my family again.
Hank: we will find them. Erin's scared and don't blame her.
Jay: well I'm willing to do anything to protect them.
Hank: when we find them, let me deal with them Erin and Addison will need you. For now go be with your girls. I'll have the team meet back at the station, see if we can find some leads. I'll talk to Landon and see if he knows where she's at.

Jay leaves and goes back to Addison's room.

Jay: how's princess doing?
Erin: much better May said she should be waking up soon. Look jay I....
Jay: Erin please don't, I know your scared but you don't have to run away. I spoke to Hank he has Landon in custody. He's gonna see if he can get him to flip where bunny is at.
Erin: I am scared, but at least they got Landon. I just can't believe bunny would really do this. Like why couldn't she just her me why bring our daughter into this.
Jay: I don't know but when we find her you can ask her.
Erin: that won't be necessary, when we catch her hank can ship her ass off. I am DONE with BARBRA FLETCHER. I don't want anything tying us together. She is completely out of my life.
Jay: I can understand that.

Addison start to stir in the bed.

Addison: mommy.. mommmy🥺🥺😭😭
Erin: hey baby girl mommy and daddy are both right here. Hey don't cry, your safe now.
Addison: why did they take me?🥺🥺
Jay: because she's really sick, and she wanted to see you. But you don't have to worry about he no more.
Addison: she said she was my grandma.
Erin: she was but not anymore.
Addison starts crying.
Addison: she said daddy wasn't my daddy, that Landon was my daddy.
Erin: baby look at me, this is daddy no one else. You and daddy have the same eyes, and those amazing freckles I fall in love with every time I look at you.
Jay: princess I love you so much. You don't have worry about anything that lady said.

Natalie walks in.

Natalie: can I talk to you both?
Erin, jay: yea, what's wrong.
Natalie: she's gonna be fine, but I'm concerned about her liver. They gave her such a high dosage of a sedative she has very very early signs of liver failure. So we're going to keep her for a couple days to see if it goes away. Their is nothing to worry about yet, this is just a precaution.
Erin: I'm going TO KILL HER😡😡
Jay: she's okay Er, this is just a precaution.
Erin: I know it is but our baby is in their hurt. She told our daughter your not her dad, and I'm quite sure that broke her little heart. To her you are Superman, she use to tell her friends in New York her dad was a cop and a prince. For Bunny to tell your not, it hurts me but your right the most important thing is that she is alright.

2 days later (11 days till proposal)

Erin: hey, nay said they are going to release her today.
Jay: did she have an update on her liver?
Erin: yea, she said it looks like no damage but we should come back in and check her out in a week and a half.
Jay: so she will home for christmas.
Erin: yes, this will be her first Christmas together as a family. We have to make it extra special babe.
Jay: we will, I'll let the team know. I will also go get an update from hank on Bunny.
Erin: Thank you..

Jay starts walking away..
Erin: Thank you..
Jay: huh.
Erin: Thank you
Jay:  for what..
Erin: Thank you for right by my side... Thank you for having faith when I was slowing losing mine. Most importantly for staying when I was putting up my walls. I love you so much for that.❤️
Jay: I'm not going anywhere. Erin your my home, and when times get rough I'm not running. 5 years ago when I walked out that was the biggest mistake of my life. This time the problem is way bigger but I've learned we've gotta lean on each other for support. We're a team Er.. and I love you too🤦‍♀️
Erin: You always know what to say, when I need it the most. Now go talk to the team and Hank.

Jay left the hospital to meet up with hank.

Hank: how's Addison doing?
Jay: she doing pretty good. You know she's tough like her mom.
Hank: That she is!
Jay: is there any updates on Bunny.
Hank: none yet, but Landon still isn't talking.
Jay: why can't she just turn herself in🤦‍♂️ well I'm going talk to the team, Erin wants to make Addison first Christmas with us to be amazing.
Hank: alrighty, let me know if you need anything.

Jay: hey guys I need your help with something. Erin wants to makes Addison's first Christmas amazing.
Team: 😁 how can we make a lil friend happy.
Jay: I was thinking 💭... what do you think.
Team: That would be amazing, we just have to ask Hank and Trudy.
Jay: I'll go ask.

Jay: hey hank, can I ask a favor I was wondering 💭.
Hank: I like it, I'll put in the request with Trudy.

2 hours later

Hank: Hey jay, she approved. Do you wanna tell Erin today or till it's closer.
Jay: imma wait, but I'll tell the team when they should go so they can go and set it up.
Hank: I think she's gonna love it......

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