Chapter 15

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13 days till proposal

Jay: we need to talk to hank about bunny and Charlie, I just got both of you back I don't want them ruining this.
Erin: yea, your right we do need to talk to Hank. I honestly thought I left all this behind when I went to New York, I can't her popping up again. Addison are you ready for school?
Addison: I'm coming... I'm putting on my shoes.
Erin: let's get her to school and we'll go talk to Hank.
Jay: sounds like a plan.

The family leaves and drops Addison off first and then head to work.

Erin: bye addi see you later, I LOVE YOH 😘❤️
Jay: love you princess 👸 have a great day.
Addison: love you both ❤️ see you later.

Erin: Hank we need to talk!
Hank: what's this about?
Erin: Charlie and Bunny!
Hank: What the hell do you mean Charlie and bunny?
Jay: Charlie approached us a couple weeks ago while we getting ice cream, and bunny showed up to our home last night!
Hank: why didn't you tell me about Charlie?
Erin: I don't know, I thought I made it clear to stay away, but I guess he ran off an told bunny. Hank I'm finally happy, and I don't want either of them ruining what I have.
Hank: I'll take care of it! Make sure you call and inform her school they are not allowed near her!
Erin, jay: that's a great idea
Erin: I'll go call them and let them know.
Hank: Jay, please protect them. Their all I have left.
Jay: I will!

2 hours later😬

Erin: hello This is Erin Lindsay, mother of Addison Lindsay Halstead, I wanted to call an ask that you put on her file no one without a badge from the 21 district be allowed to pick her up. Also if anyone named Barbra or bunny fletcher, or Charlie Pugliese tries to pick her up immediately call me or the police.
Principal: Im sorry to inform but a woman by the name Barbra fletcher picked Addison up about 30 minutes ago. She said she was her grandmother and she gave us a written note with your signature on it.
Erin:No..No.Nooo was anyone with her?
Principal: um.. no a man Landon vanick he said he was her uncle.


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