Chapter 24

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New Year's Eve.

Hank decided to text the team, to meet everyone for brunch at the local dinner.

Hank: morning guys, brunch on me. Meet at Stella's diner on N Broadway at 12:30.
Adam: me and Kim will be there.
Antonio: I'll be there.
Jay: we'll be there.
Kevin: I'll be there.
Mouse: see you there.
Al: okay.
Hank: alright guys see you there.

Jay: we got some time before we meet up with everyone, how about a workout 😉 and shower 🚿.
Erin: we have to be quick before Addison wakes up.
Jay: I can do that.😁😉
We all know what happened in that shower😉.

Now it's about 11:45.

Jay: I think we should get up and get Addison and ourselves ready.
Erin: shouldn't be I problem since we already showered.😉
Jay: 😂 God I love you woman now let's get ready.
Erin: love you to, I'll go help Addison.

After getting themselves and Addison ready they left and headed to the diner.

Everyone arrived at the diner, Hank, Trudy and Al were already seated and waiting for the team.

Hank: Hey guys, Thanks for coming.
Adam: Happy to be here.
Jay: your here for the free food.
Adam: hey, that's not the main reason.
Kevin: yea whatever, hey sarge what time should we be at the pier for.
Hank: How about 10:30 tonight. That should give everyone one time to get dressed. I expect everyone to look decent you are representing the 21st district.
Jay: you hear that Adam, you have to dress us nicely.
Everyone: 😂😂
Adam: oh shut up jay, you better hope you outfit is nice.
Jay: oh it is cause, my baby already said I look amazing.
Hank: yea whatever, how about we pick food now.

Everyone chose what they were gonna eat. While waiting for their food everyone talked about their plans for the rest of the Day. Hank decided he would take Addison for the afternoon. Kim and Adam went to go visit Adams dad, Kevin bring his sibling to the movies for an afternoon film. Antonio spent time with his kids, and Erin finally decided to collect on that full body massage.

Erin: since we have the afternoon alone and together how about I collect my full body massage now.
Jay: Are you sure cause I can give it to you later tonight.
Erin: nah I want it now.
Jay: you sure!

Jay spent the afternoon giving Erin a full body massage 💆‍♀️ along with a happy ending 😉.
By the time they were done it was about 6:30. Erin decided to take a nap since they had more than enough time. While Erin was sleep jay went to pick up a few more friends from the airport. About 3 hours later Erin had woken up to hank knocking on the door, he was there to drop Addison off so she could get ready also. The family of 3 spent the next hour getting ready.

Jay: take Addison to the car I forgot something up stairs.
Erin: okay, Addison let's go get in the car.
Addison: okay, where are we going?
Erin: we're going to a party, you remember last year in New York when we saw the big ball drop and all the little papers fell out the sky.
Addison: yea then all the pretty fireworks 🎆.
Erin: yea we're going to do the same thing but with all your friends from the police station, the fire house, and from the hospital where uncle Will works.
Addison: wow 😯.. mommy that's a lot of people.
Erin: I know, but we're t to have a lot of fun, look here comes daddy.
Jay: okay all set. We got everything!
Erin: yea babe now let's get going.

They are at the Navy pier at about 10:50pm.

Erin: Hanks gonna kill us we're 20 minutes late.
Jay: Babe it's okay we're here. Are you excited princess 👸.
Addison: yea, there's going to be fireworks. Daddy can I ask you something?
Jay: sure princess what's up?
Addison: are you going to do it tonight.
Jay: yes I am princess are you ready?
Addison: I think mommy is going to like it.😁
Erin: hey, I guess we have to check in at the table and get name tags 🏷.
Jay: That's weird but okay.

Table greeter: name please?
Jay: jay, and Addison Halstead.
Erin: Erin Lindsay.
Table greeter: here's jay and Addison but there's no Lindsay, I have a Erin Halstead though.
Erin: that's strange but I'll take Erin Halstead.
Addison: mommy you have the same last name as me.😮
Erin: I wish I did but someone messed up.
Addison: aww 🥺I thought we were going to have the same last name.
Erin: we will one day, but that's up to your daddy.👀
Jay: yea, maybe one day. That's if you don't mind be called Mrs. Halstead.
Erin: Honestly I wouldn't mind at all, especially when I know it's you who gave me the name.😉😍.
Jay: ☺️ let's go look around.

The family walks around the pier to see all the attractions. Jay played a few games and won each of his girls a stuffed animal 🧸. After they finished they went found hank.

Hank: This place looks amazing at night time.
Jay: I couldn't agree more.
Hank: Erin, what's up with your name tag 🏷?
Erin: I don't know I guess somebody messed up and thought I was a Halstead in read of Lindsay, it's fine though.
Hank: well it's 11:30 now ball drops in 30 minutes. Are you excited for the fireworks Addison.
Addison: I can't wait, it's gonna be so pretty.
Hank: we're going to do a toast 🥂 in 10 minutes over there.
Jay: okay, I'll go grab us some drinks.
Erin: um no I'll grab them take Addison over to the rest of the team.
Jay:🤨 umm, okay let's go princess 👸.

10 minutes later Erin walks over to the team with her, Addison and jays drink in her hand.

Hank: uhmm... can I have everyone's attention? I would like to welcome everyone that came here tonight. We're here to celebrate to the return of 3 of our family members Mouse, Addison, and Erin. We dearly missed you all, and we are so glad to welcome you back. Cheers 🥂. We got about 15 mint till the New Year.  Hold on guys we have some people that would like to say something.

Nd( Nadia): hello, some of you may remember me but I am a friend of erins, I use to work with the Intelligence unit. I was asked here to be apart of the welcoming home committee to read a speech, here goes.......

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