Chapter 3

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Teddy jumps up and runs straight from his apartment to his car. Once he's in his car he calls director Perry to inform him of what is happening but he doesn't  answer. Teddy speeds up and bobs in and out of traffic to get to Addi's school. Once he arrives he runs to the door. He opens the door and quickly spots the principle. He calls her name.....
Teddy: Hey principal Williams, excuse me I have a family emergency I need to get my niece Addison Lindsay Halstead.
Principal Williams: okay, let me make sure your on the list and if you don't me asking what is the family emergency.
Teddy: my name is Teddy Courtney and Addisons mom was kidnapped, I need to get her out of here until they find Erin.
Principal Williams: OH MY GOSH hold right here and I will go get her........

New York is a hour ahead of Chicago.
Teddy has addi and is on his way to the safe house Erin had set up in case of an emergency.

Hank: no case finish your paperwork.
Ruzek: yes, we getting off early today.
Jay, Kim,Kevin: dude why would you say something.

Hank: walks of his office, blights looks at everyone and says "paperwork is on pause we caught a case"
The teams looks at ruzek with scolding eyes and says "thanks a lot ruzek".
Ruzek: sorry guys

Hank: okay we got a 22 yr shot execution style, once you solve this then your free. Halstead, Kim, Kevin, ruzek head to the scene, tonio, al go speak to the family.

A few hours later.....

Hank- since we have our suspect in custody and we have evidence, finish your paperwork and then free to go. As Hank starts walking to his office he gets a phone call, he looks at the screen to see it's a New York number.

Hank: Sergeant Voight speaking, who is this?
Unknown caller: Hank it's Teddy, Erin's brother.
Hank: Hey Teddy, why are you calling me, is something?

The unit stands up hearing Hank say Teddys name.

Teddy: Hank it's Erin I think she was kidnapped, I need you to get here as soon as possible!!
Hank: What do you mean Erin was kidnapped? Isn't her team looking out for her?
Teddy: They are but Hank you know she would want you here, so please hurry up! All I know is she went to look at an address and she saw pictures of herself.
Hanks posture gets aggressive
Hank: I'm on the next flight out.
Teddy: see you when you get here!

Hanks turns to face the team.

Jay: why was Teddy calling?
Burgess, Kevin: sarge is everything okay.
Hank: I have to go to New York, Erin was kidnapped.
Jay: no no no this can't be happening! Hank I want to go with you please, I have to make sure she's okay!!
Burgess, Kevin,Adam, Al, Antonio: we should all go she is family, and she needs all the help she can get.
Hank: alright I'll get the flights everyone, hurry home and pack a bag we're headed to New York.

The team arrives at the airport, for their flight to New York. While walking to there gate jay spots Will at the gate for the flight to New York also.

Hank: Al I haven't spoken to her in 5 years. I missed her so much, but I told her not to look back.
Al: Hank we all miss her, and I know it's probably hard for her too.

Jay: Will what are you doing here I thought you were going to a conference?
Will: yes I am, the conference is in New York. Wait, what are you doing here?
Jay: Teddy called Hank and told him Erin was kidnapped.
Will: That's gotta be tough on Him, I might tag along with you since I'm a doctor and I might can help. Conference doesn't start for two days, so I can relax or hang with the team.

Intercom: now boarding for the 6 o'clock flight to New York.

Hank: let's go

FBI in New York

Director Perry: everyone be advised we have a missing agent. Special agent Lindsay was suppose to call at 5 pm and arrive here at 5:30 pm. It is now 7pm and we still do not have contact, we recently spoke to her brother Teddy and he also confirmed that something happened. He said they were on the phone, she said he had pictures of the victims, and then pictures of her with Addison. After that he said Erin told him to bring Addison to him, him being the girls father. Teddy said he did inform her father in Chicago, he and his intelligence unit we be here to help. Let's start working so can have enough information to inform them when they get here.
Director perry: special agent James, and Murphy I want you to pick them up from the airport. Specialist Gerwitz i want you to go get Teddy and Addison, and bring them directly here.
Specialist Gerwitz: okay I will be back shortly, and are they at the safe house.
Director Perry: yes now hurry up.

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