Chapter 2

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5 years later..............

Ruzek: jay brother what are we doing for your birthday.
Atwater: let's hit up Molly's so you can at least get some action.
Jay: guys maybe another time but tonight I just wanna go home and chill.
Ruzek: are you seriously still hung up Lindsay, dude it's been 5 years it's safe to say she's not coming back.
Jay stands up with aggressive posture
Jay: you don't know, plus I don't want to be with just anyone I only want her.
Jay walks to Voights office
Jay: sarge have you talked to Lindsay?
Hank: jay you ask me this every year on your birthday, but no I haven't.
Jay: she's not coming back huh?
Hank: jay it's time to move on, you gotta find your happiness.
Jay starts to walk out the room
Hank: Happy Birthday Halstead!
Jay:Thanks sarge!
Jays leaves hanks office and returns to his desk

Teddy:Erinnnnnnn hurry up I'm hungry and I know for sure this little princess is too.
Addi: mommy I'm hungry, hurry up please.
Erin: I'm coming down now my very impatient family.
Teddy: finally, now let's go!
Erin laughs as they walk out the door

They arrive at their local diner
Teddy: are we getting pancakes Addi-bug.
Addi: with strawberries and chocolate chip!!!
Erin: any way you want them.
Erin thinking how much she reminds her of him, her dad. They favor nearly all the same meals, she has those amazing freckles, and his dreamy green eyes 👀.
Addi: do you know my daddy uncle Teddy?

Teddy looks at Erin

Teddy: um umm yes I do know him!
Erin: addi how come you asked about?
Addi: i heard you crying last night and when you went to sleep you kept saying "jay Im sorry" mommy is daddy jay.
Erin has a tear in her eye
Erin: yes baby Jay is daddy, you know that picture in mommy's with me and the boy. Well that's daddy. He's the guy in all the bedtime stories. Daddy jay was my partner.
Addi: can I see him?
Erin: someday we will definitely see him and he will love you so much.

Erin leans over and hugs addi

Erin: As much as I love our breakfast date mommy has to go to work and you have to get to school but uncle Teddy will pick you up.
Erin: I love you addi-bug I'll see you tonight, bye Teddy see ya later.

Erin gets up and grabs Addi's hand and leave. Erin drops addi off at school.
Erin enters the FBI office.

Director Perry: morning agent Lindsay, we got a case and your not gonna like it.
Erin: what do you got me doing this time.
Director Perry: your going undercover, we have someone targeting women online and when they meet up then they kidnap them.
Erin: okay, do have anything info on his type, his preference?
Director Perry: well so far we have women between 25-30, between 5'5 and 5'7, blonde hair, each women had a small body type. Here we have pictures of the victims.
Erin: wells geez you basically described me.
Erin analyzed the photos
Director Perry: omg that sound like you, Erin we can pull you off this, I don't to part you in harms way.
Erin: I work for the FBI i can do this, what time do I roll out.
Director Perry: how about 5:30 later today.
Erin: okay let me give my brother a call and fill him in.
Director Perry: okay, oh and before you go we want you to run this address down and check it out.
Erin: okay
Erin leaves the office and hops in her car. She calls Teddy and fills him in and then she tells him.....
Erin: yea the op starts later today so she will have to stay with you, I will call you at 5pm before.
Teddy: okay, anything else
Erin: hold on I'm pulling up on an address, this place looks abandon.
Teddy: okay I'll stay on the line.
Erin: okay!

Erin walks in the house

Erin: this place smells bad, I'll start in the basement that's where the smells is the strongest.
Teddy: Erin be careful.
Erin: it looks like someone was living here, they have computer set up, a brand new generator, dozens of pictures they look like the victims.
Teddy: Erin get out of there
suddenly Erin feel a hit to the back of her head... as shes falling she tells Teddy to get her to him and tell him I'm sorry. She slowly falls unconscious......
Teddy: Erin Erin Erin
The phone goes dead .............

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