Chapter 4

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Kidnapper: you have no idea how long I've been waiting to see you, it's to bad your daughter wasn't with you.
Erin: what do you want with me and my daughter
Kidnapper: you thought you could just leave and take my daughter with you, I knew I would find you. I've looked all over New York for you.
Erin: is that why you killed the other women.
Kidnapper: They looked like you, but they weren't you.

Kidnapper takes out a newspaper with erins picture in it.

Kidnapper: they didn't have your smile, or your precious eyes, when I looked you up I saw you had a daughter. She has my eyes, how could you take her away from me?
Erin: she's not your daughter?
Kidnapper: yes she is, I have pictures of us together.

Kidnapper goes and grab a photo album with pictures of Addison and Erin from her Facebook page.

Kidnapper: see this is us as a family.
Erin: that is my pictures, she is my daughter not yours.
Kidnapper: since she only your daughter I guess we don't need you!!

Kidnappers starts  beating Erin and grabs a knife and stabs Erin the side, then pulls the blade and pushes the knife through her thigh.

Kidnapper: you stay here while I go get our daughter from school.

Erins starts to think "she's slowly losing blood so he couldn't have hit anything major. So I have a few hours, hopefully the team can find me! She starts to think about Addison " I hope Teddy went to the safe house".

Erin says out loud  " I hope they find me"

Special agents James and Murphy are standing at the airport exit holding a sign for the intelligence unit.

Special agent James: you must be Hank Voight, and y'all must the squad.
Hank: call me Sergeant Voight.
Director Perry is looking forward to meeting all of you.
Special agent James: By the way I'm special agent  Robert James, and this is special agent Sara Murphy.
The intelligence squad: nice to meet y'all
Special Agent Jame: let's hurry up and get back Director Perry will need to brief you on the situation.

They arrive at the cars and head to the FBI headquarters.

Specialist Gerwitz  pulls up to the safe house. He steps out the car and walks to the door and knock. Teddy opens the door.

Teddy: who is it?
Specialist Gerwitz:  it's me mouse!
Teddy: hold on.
Teddy unlocks the door, and steps aside to allow him in.
Specialist Gerwitz: Hey our boss told me to bring you and Addison to headquarters, he fills it would be safer.
Addison runs in the room.
Addison: uncle mouse what are you doing here?
Specialist Gerwitz: I am here to give you a ride to work.
Addison: where's mommy at?
Specialist Gerwitz: Um she is doing work right night but we'll see her later. So, how about you grab your things and we can head out? What do you say?
Addison: okay uncle mouse, let me grab my things.
Teddy: your not going to tell her?
Specialist Gerwitz: no, how do you tell her news like this?
Teddy: fine, hopefully she won't find out. Is there any updates on her.
Specialist Gerwitz: when I left there was no updates hopefully when we get there Voight and the team will be there, and we have new updates.
Teddy: wait is jay with them.
Specialist Gerwitz: I'm quite sure his is especially if Hank mentioned Erin, why?
Teddy: cause he still don't know about Addison.
Specialist Gerwitz: Shit, I totally forgot, Um we can just say she's your kid.
Teddy: mouse, have you not seen her face how  are we gonna hide freckles and green eyes. How about we just hide her in Erins office?
Specialist Gerwitz: yea I'll call the Director, and  ask him to keep a clear path to her office. If they ask him about her we'll say your niece.
Teddy: okay let's go, I'll grab Addison.

Director Perry: welcome to head quarters Sergeant Voight and this is the famous intelligence squad.
Hank: it's nice to meet, I wish it was better circumstances. Do you have any new updates?
Director Perry: what we know  so far is, I sent her to look at an address. We didn't think it was related. While at the house she was on the phone with her brother Teddy, Teddy mentioned Erin saw pictures of the other women he attacked as well as a pictures of herself with her niece.
Hank: what niece?
Director Perry: Teddy has a daughter. Okay, we've pulled surveillance from the area. Our suspect is Vincent Mathews, he's 35 years old he lives about 5 blocks away from the abandoned house. Run the house again and see who the previos owners were before, Hank we will set your team up in the conference room. We will run and check out the abandoned house in 10minutes.

Hank: alright, guys this is their case we are here to assist, we all have one goal and that's to get Erin back alive.

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