Chapter 27

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1 month later.....

Erin: morning fiancé!
Jay: morning fiancé, you know we should really start thinking about the wedding or at least a date.
Erin: if I'm being honest I don't want to be engaged long so how about October 21.
Jay: why October 21?
Erin: That's the day you asked me to be your girlfriend and I won't look so fat in my wedding dress.
Jay:awww you remembered, but wait why you be fat.
Erin: 👀 babies due tend to make your stomach bigger👀😬😁
Jay: Wait... Are you serious!!!
Erin: Yessssss!!
Jay: how far along are you?
Erin: 3 months today.
Jay: How long have you known?
Erin: I've know for about 2 months.
Jay: 😳 2 months, why didn't you tell me?
Erin: cause I wanted to wait till I made it pass the first trimester. Since it's over now I can tell everyone.
Jay: I didn't even notice!
Erin: well I got extremely lucky, my morning sickness was barely there. It was smooth sailing unlike when I was pregnant with Addison.
Jay: At least you have me here this time.
Erin: I'm forever grateful for that.
Jay: when should we start telling people?
Erin: I'll let you make that call.
Jay: Valentine's is in 2 weeks, how about then.
Erin: that's fine me. Now let's go pick our daughter up Hank already called this morning saying she was ready.😂
Jay: let's go get her, then we can tell her.

They got and dressed then headed to Hanks house. When they arrived Addison was sitting at the breakfast bar eating pancakes 🥞, Hank offered both Erin and jay some which they eagerly accepted. Jay looked at Erin to see if she wanted to tell Hank.

Hank: what's going on with you two?
Jay: we want you to be the first to know Erin's pregnant 🤰.
Hank:😳Are you serious.
Erin: yup baby Halstead #2 is loading.
Hank: Congratulations 🎉 I'm proud of you both.
Addison: what's going on?
Erin: you remember when you told you wanted a baby brother or sister.
Erin: well I'm having a baby, your going to be a big sister.
Addison: YAYYYY, I can't wait I hope it's a girl, no I hopes it's a boy, no a girl.
Jay: calm down princess 👸 we'll find out soon enough.

A week later....

Jay and Erin had an appointment to find out the sex of baby, they want to surprise everyone so when they found out the sex they asked Natalie to write the gender on a paper and slip it into an envelope ✉️.

A week later (Valentine's Day)

The district was decorated with all types hearts ♥️ and red and pink streamers. Adam had a special delivery of flowers 💐 and expensive chocolate brought up to Kim.

Adam: Beat that Jay!
Jay: Dude it's not a competition.
Adam: okay, whatever! You know you could've just said you didn't get Erin anything.
Kevin: really Adam, your trying to out do jay.
Antonio: My moneys on jay.
Kevin: What do you both have planned for your ladies.
Adam: a candle light dinner at purple pig.
Kevin: Jay...
Delivery person: Delivery order for a Jay Halstead....
Jay: That would be me....

Jay had brought Erin a variety of daisies, with cupcakes and a heart shaped cake in the middle.

Erin: awww, I love it.
Jay: wait till you try the cake.
Kevin: so what are you doing for Erin tonight?
Jay: I'm taking my fiancé to get a full body massage, then out to dinner at Alinea to celebrate.
Adam: that place is super expensive, and super exclusive.
Jay: well it's worth it for the mother of my kids.
Antonio: KIDSSS
Kevin: Wait you said Kids!
Jay: 😁Yup baby Halstead #2 is loading.
Antonio: aww congratulations guys.
Adam: you definitely win.
Jay: I know😁
Kim: congratulations so far along are you ?
Erin: I'm almost 4 months along.
The team:😳😳😳😳
Kim: wow you kept it a secret for how long?
Erin: 3 months.
Kevin: wow we really suck at being detectives.
Adam: but she was at Molly's drinking with us.
Erin: when I brought a round, I would get a cranberry for me and  drinks for you all. For New Years I has ginger ale in my glass.
Antonio:  you really kept it under wraps.
Erin:yea I did.
Adam: do you know what your having..
Jay: nope, but the gender is in the cake.
Kevin: What are we waiting for cut the cake.

Jay went into the break room and grab some plates, spoons and a knife. Jay asked Erin if she was ready to find out what the gender was. They both placed their hands on the knife and cut down into the cake, slowly lifting the piece up to reveal.........

A BLUE STRIP OF CAKE. Baby Halstead #2 is a boy. Jay couldn't more excited, he has a daughter but now he will have a son. In 7 short month he will welcome a baby boy, and in 8 months he will marry the love of his life.

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