Chapter 11

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Jay was sitting at his desk looking up engagement rings. He found the perfect one but he wanted to wait to buy so Addison could see it first.

Jay: hey serg can I talk to you for minute?
Hank: what's this about Jay!!
Jay: Well first I would like to tell you first me and Erin are back together.
Hank: that's great you got your family back, so what else cause I know that not the only you came to talk to me about.
Jay: True, I know your gonna feel like I move to fast, and I would agree. It's just i didn't have her for 5 years...
Hank: Jay your scrabbling get to the point!
Jay: Hank I wanna ask her to Marry Me, but I want your permission first?
Hank: okay, when are you planning on proposing, cause I know it's not right now!
Jay: no I was think in 2 months on years eve and midnight 🕛
Hank: I think she would love that, you got a ring yet.
Jay: I found one I like but I want to get a second opinion, so I will Addison on a daddy-daughter day and she what she thinks!
Hank: This is gonna be special for her, jay I couldn't permission to any one else but you. You make my daughter and grand daughter so happy. I would be honored to have you as my son in law. I do have one question isn't she going back to New York?
Jay: oh yea, she's moving back too.
Hank: all of my family back in Chicago. Thank you jay.😊

Erin: alrighty Little lady let's go bring everyone lunch, how about you grab the food and i get the drinks.
Addison: okay, let's go see daddy?

Erin and Addison walks into the district.

Trudy: well if it isn't princess and mini chuckles
Erin: hey Trudy, can you buzz us up?
Trudy: sure anything for you 👸

Erin and Addison are escorted upstairs

Addison: Dadddyyy.....
Jay: Hello my princess 👸
Addison: here daddy we brought lunch for everyone.
Adam: hey guys, ah thank you addi. We were starving!
Kim: Thank you both!
Erin: of course, here's your drink babe!
Adam, Kevin- wait are you to together?
Jay: What are you talking about👀👀
Kim: Erin just called you babe, we haven't heard that in 5 years. So are you?
Jay: let's just say I got my girl and my daughter back.😊😊

Kim: Erin locker room.. Now!
Erin: okay... addi can you bring grandpa and uncle al their lunch.
Addi: daddy can you help me..
Jay: sure, let's go.

Kim: so when did this happen?
Erin: This morning.
Kim: who asked whom?
Erin:well I was telling him that my time off was almost up, and that I have to go back.
Kim: wait your leaving😭😭
Erin: then I told him if I had a good reason to stay I would?
Kim: what reason did he say?
Erin: he still loved me❤️
Kim: awww.. I will be honest when you were gone he couldn't move on. His heart was meant for you and only you. Addison is just a beautiful creation of you two. So what happened next?
Erin: he asked me officially to be his girlfriend, and said we don't need to take things slow we've already wasted 5 years.
Kim: I agree, 5 years is along time, hell I wouldn't be surprised if already had an engagement ring 💍!
Erin: 😂 your funny Kim, we literally just got back together, I think we are good for now.
Kim: be honest if he was to ask you to marry him tomorrow, what would you say?
Erin: umm I would say Hell Yeaaa.... I don't want anybody else but him. He has my whole heart, well him and addi.

Jay: princess 👸......
Addison: yes daddy..
Jay:How about me and you have a daddy daughter day?
Addison: I would love that, can we go shopping for toys, and get ice cream?
Jay: of course, but I also need you help with something to?
Addison: yayy, when are we going on daddy daughter day.
Jay: how about tomorrow, since I don't have to work.

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