Chapter 18 - "Legendary Stylist Noir"

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"Shiina!" Hachi barrelled me into a bone-crushing hug come after school. "I can't believe I get to do your nails! This is super duper exciting!"

A brimming bowl of sunshine, per usual.

"Hachi, you're gonna kill me before you get the chance," I laughed.

"Sorry!" he cried, lurching from me. Lips pursed in apology, he twiddled his thumbs. "I'm just looking forward to it so much. I have so many ideas! But I'll have to wait for Ban-Ban to finalize his concept."

He was referring to Banri, right? I smiled. "I never thought you had a side like this to you."

"Is it that surprising?" He matched my grin. "My mom actually works as a nail technician and runs a salon with my older sisters. They used me as their guinea pig a lot growing up, but as a result, I picked up on everything they did. I'm pretty confident in doing nail art—especially anything including flowers."

Accordingly, he retrieved his cell, swiped through, and brought it to my ray of sight. They were pictures of the most beautiful nail art I'd ever seen.

"They're so pretty!" I couldn't help but gush, scooping it into hand and scrolling through it myself. "You did this all yourself?"

"He he. Of course I did. Aren't you amazed?"

"By what? Your stupidity?" a sharp voice interjected. "All you do is doodle some flowers onto nails and call it a day. What about that is worthy of awe?"

Even without turning, I knew what to expect.

My countenance soured. "And you think there's something awing about your talent? You literally shave people's legs."

Naru flinched. "I-I— Do not!"

"Oh, my apologies. You shave their arms too, right? And give them massages afterwards?" I gagged. "Can't believe I ever let a guy like that make me cry."


"Consider yourself lucky, Naru." I stuck out my tongue. "The girl you brought to tears won't be needing your unnecessary services. Waste that time on your damn self. Trust me, you need it."

"Y-you—you—" Uncharacteristic to his supposedly scary glare and accusatory index finger, his voice cracked. Seconds later, tears swelled and pooled over his cheeks. He fell into a squat, burying his face between his palms. "You don't have to be so mean. . . !"

I fluttered my lashes.

Hachi timidly tapped my arm. "Shiina, I feel bad. This is the second time you've made him cry."

I puffed my cheeks, his pathetic sobs ebbing at my sanity. "The jerk insults as easy as breathing. It's a taste of his own medicine. If anything, he should have a backbone big enough to handle it."

"But Rumi insults everyone!" Hachi defended. "It's his childish way of getting his feelings across."

My frown deepened as Naru wailed louder. If he cried like that, obviously even I'd start to feel bad. But why should I? He had it coming after everything he said to me. I wouldn't. . .

"B-but I'm the bigger meanie," Naru immaturely sobbed between choking breaths. "I had no right saying what I did. No wonder you h-hate me. I-I'm scum. This earth's dirt."

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