Chapter 37 - "My Heart Calls For Love"

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Cool zephyrs ruffled the bow of my uniform, skirt and hair. Hanging out on the steps behind the gymnasium, free from loitering eyes, I sighed and put away my lunch.

I absorbed the sky; its gently floating clouds mirroring the innumerable thoughts floating about my head.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't shake the heaviness of my limbs. Only a short while ago, things were so simple. Those days I'd taken for granted now seemed so far away. They were far away.

I didn't have time to mull over stuff like this, not with my concert coming up within days. Chie and Dad had their hands full with prepping for their wedding. Schoolwork had been piling. So many other obligations to complete. In spite of that, here I was, giving myself a headache over romance.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. Slipping it out, I fixed my attention on the text message I'd received.

Bet you're somewhere moping.
If you have time to think useless thoughts, practice. We only got a week left.
Or what? Are you due for another crying session with me? Should I come running to cheer you up?

He was psychic. We weren't even nearby, yet we ran on identical wavelengths. That always seemed to be the case with him.

A wide smile spread back my lips. I pressed my thumbs against my keyboard.

I'm not crying.

I don't believe that for one second. I need proof.
Send a pic.

I'm too holy for photographs, so no <3

You're outright lying so you must be fine.


I'm in the usual clubroom with Sena. Sneak past those hordes of annoying fans and stop by.
You won't be too holy in person, right?

('。• ᵕ •。')
I dunno. You may need sunglasses.

Can't take any chances, huh.
If I knew I'd be staring directly at the sun I'd have packed sunscreen too.

I found myself laughing aloud. Talking to him was so easy. I could bounce whatever off of him and he'd match pace with me instantly.

In that respect, he was basically my other half.

. . .Size aside, mind you.

Rin-Rin was not equal in that regard. He knew everything about me, sure, but I'd never say we were perfect matches. We were more different than similar.

However, if there was someone who was the most comfortable to be around despite our differences. . .

"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!"

The timing the impeccable. Lifting myself off the stairs, I rounded the bend.

There, collapsed onto one knee, a hand over his chest, the other extended toward the sky, was the boy who'd now crossed my mind.

No matter the time frame, Upperclassman Issei was a ball of dedication.

I unintentionally grinned.

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