Chapter 25 - "Irretrievable Words"

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"Shiina! You're right on time."

Upon bumbling inside the house after school, a half-eaten steam bun dangling from my mouth, finding Dad, Chie and Mao all gathered in the living room piqued my confusion.

Dad smiled brighter than I'd seen in ages, issuing my caution.

"What'd you break this time?" I asked, uneasily. "Do we have enough to replace it? Oh, God. It better not have been my guitar."

"I didn't break anything," Dad insisted, shepherding me from the doorway after I'd removed my shoes, and into the family room. "This time, at least."

"Mao's magic charms for summoning his liege, the Dark Lord, better have not been sullied," Mao spoke up. She was still donned in her middle school uniform, eyepatch and witch's hat, giving me the clue she'd come home minutes earlier.

"We didn't enter your room either, Mao," Chie said with a grand smile.

"If nothing's broken, then. . ." Blood drained from my complexion. "Did you lose your job?"

"Hey. Why do you guys assume the worst whenever I smile?" Dad demanded.

"Because the worst is what always awaits us," Mao and I enunciated in unison.

Chie's laugh pervaded the room, all the while Dad sprung back.

"You really lost their trust, Naoto."

Scratching the back of his head, Dad frowned. "It really isn't bad news this time, too."

His action dazzled me for a hot second. It took me a moment to recognize it'd come from his hand. More specifically, the item occupying his fourth finger.

My stomach flipped so suddenly I was left nauseous.

"Shiina. Mao. Chie and I have something important to tell you." Dad's enthusiasm accumulated, cheeks adorning a bright red as his sheepish gesture continued.

They flashed their rings at the same time.

"We've decided to get married!" Chie declared.

"We're thinking of having the official ceremony in a couple of months," Dad continued. "Of course, I need my two princesses to be ready as can be for the day once we finally figure everything out."

"It won't be too large scale, but we'll make it something memorable," Chie added, clinging to his arm. Sparkling, she said, "What do you think?"

It was like my body had shut off. The world had grown distant, colours and sounds a disoriented mess.


Between who? Dad and. . . Chie?


Their focus flitted to me. 

"Shiina?" Chie worriedly asked.

"Married?" I sneered under my breath. "You hardly know each other. Going out with her is one thing, but now we have to spend the rest of our lives together? With. . . someone like her? No way."

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