Chapter 21 - "Let Us Take Up Arms and Emerge Victorious"

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"'Tis b-but thy name that is my e-enemy.
Thou art thyself, though not a M-Montague."

I recited the famous lines from the page, infusing my emotions into each letter as I ambled through the school gates. However, my tongue was tied, and far too inexperienced to convey it, which led to me tripping over my words. I'd been rehearsing the play throughout my journey to Hoshizaki—making sure I left early, so I'd make it in time—but, after all, it was difficult.

We'd been helping Upperclassman Issei with practice for two days now. He'd still stumble over his lines, and would utter. . . mistakes I'd rather not repeat. Banri and Igarashi were doing the best in their own way to whip him into shape for his audition. I'd been doing my best to support him too. It was frustrating, but all I could do was bounce his lines off him. Offering minimal feedback was short of impossible, as I didn't know the first thing about acting.

I'd asked Rin-Rin for advice yesterday, seeing as he was surrounded by celebrities of all kind daily, but. . .

"What! You're auditioning for a gig, Shii?"

"Not. . . exactly," I'd told him. "I'm helping someone with his and made a big deal about him not giving up. But now I realize I can hardly do anything to back up those words. That's why I was hoping you had any advice I could give him."

"A. . . guy?"

His murmur nearly slipped my notice.

"Yes, he's a guy," I replied.

That wasn't the correct response because he exclaimed, "Shii, no! Tell me it isn't true!"

"What do you—"

"You're already replacing me?" he cut me off, his pout clear in my ears. "I-I know I'm hardly there for you because work keeps me busy, but I care for you a lot more than he does! There's no way I'm letting him steal you for himself!"

"Rin-Rin, calm down! He's only an upperclassman."

"An. . . upperclassman? Th-that's. . . it?" He remained sulking. "I'm still your number one?"


From there, Rin-Rin prodded me more about who he was. Seeing as he was so good at sparking conversation, I ended up getting swallowed by his pace, and only realized he hadn't answered my question when we ended the call. Since he was busy with his work, I didn't want to bother him so I decided to shelve it for another time. From there, I brainstormed my own ideas.

The only thing I could do to not get in Upperclassman Issei's way was to practice Juliet's lines. If I was stiff in my delivery or distracted in getting the tone right, it could hinder his concentration or performance. That was why I'd left early today to get as much practice in before we met during lunch. . .

I sighed. Which was a wasted effort, evidently. I stunk pretty bad. . .

As soon as the thought drifted to mind, I whipped my head.

I couldn't lose heart. Upperclassman Issei was working hard, too. It wasn't as if I were tasked with the impossible; I just had to reach the point where I wouldn't get in his way.

Shifting my gaze onto the booklet, I continued where I'd left off.

"What's Montague? it is n-nor hand, nor foot,
Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
B-Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!
Wh-What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name w-would smell as swe—"

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